Werewolf Castle opens with a pack of werewolves raiding a small village and killing everyone in sight. That includes the bride-to-be of young Thorfinn (Peter Lofsgard). Although he is clearly not a fighter, Thorfinn is left without purpose after his devastating loss. He decides to guide an order of knights on a dangerous quest to warn the king of the werewolf threat.

Long story short am annoyed that I can't do jack shit in the sun as a vampire, but does becoming a werewolf make all the vampires at the castle treat me differently? And if so, would they be like.. Passive aggressive about it, like the stuck up prissy feckers they are?

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When a village is attacked by an army of werewolves, a small group of knights are tasked with venturing through the territory of the monsters to seek aid from the king. Thorfinn, a young village boy whose family and lover were killed in the attack, joins the knights on their quest to stop the werewolf invasion.

The fight sequences here are well choreographed with the werewolf design from A Werewolf in England utilised well plus the score from Simone Cilio really enhances the more heroic and action-packed scenes.

This is a fucking atrocity in the eyes of god and man. But I laughed so hard. Between the awful performances, the worlds cheapest werewolf costumes and the inability to deliver on any promise it makes when it comes to carnage because they simply can't pull it off I was in hysterics for the entire film's run time. Because this is so cheaply and ineptly made every fight sequence looks like a bunch of nerds LARPing on a saturday morning. But the real piss de rsistance of this movie is the villain who gives one of the most hilariously campy and terrible performances ever committed to screen, vamping it up in cheap fake vampire teeth and cheap wig. By all rights this deserves no stars, but I was laughing so hard tears and drool came out so that has to count for something.

As far as I know, this is the first time Steeds has returned to a specific sub-genre that he's already filmed, though the approach is at least different here from his other werewolf flick, this time feeling more like a rousing men-on-a-mission fantasy-adventure flick like we used to see in the 80's. The obvious love of the genre and commitment to delivering as exploitative thrills as possible continues in Steeds's work, fulfilling b-movie promises where so many others fail to even understand. This one has a few lagging stretches where the narrative drive lulls, but it spikes up again with every new confrontation, with Steeds doing his best to deliver the best bang he can with the buck he has, remaining one of the few b-movie filmmakers doing it right today.

The titular Werewolf Castle in fact consists of twin castles, two identical castles built deep in the mountains across from each other, separated by a deep river. The castles are located in Elzas-Lothringen / Alsace-Lorraine, an area in Europe that, depending on the era, is part of either Germany or France. As of the post-war era, one castle is located in Germany, the other in France, with the border running right between them.

These two castles are, of course, the stage for a series of horrible murders. At the German castle, a group of prize-winners are invited to visit, but are all slaughtered by some mysterious force. Some victims are poisoned, some are found decapitated in a locked room, and others are slain by a walking suit of armor. At the same time, in the French castle, a party of investors is visiting the owner, but this party, too, is murdered by some unknown force. Like their German counterparts, the victims are found in very peculiar circumstances, such as locked rooms. Combined, about 20 persons are killed in the two castles, but nobody has a clue about what happened. It is up to the Japanese master-detective, Nikaid Ranko, to solve the case.

Scavenger Hunt: is for the guests that want to get out of the castle and explore the beautiful Hocking Hills region. While exploring the many sites, caves, and hikes, take your camera. The guests that find the most oddities on our carefully curated list of scavenging will be given the honor of Scavenger Champion!

Things got interesting in the late 15th century with the arrival of Prince-Archbishop Leonhard von Keutschach. He took over the castle in 1495 and began a large rebuilding and extension project. Much of what is visible today is the product of those works.

However, the film lacks very little for movie lovers to sink their teeth into when it comes to plot and story. The plot and premise are highly familiar, beat for beat, and there are either uninteresting or slow moments. There are poor performances, mostly because of the script, which feels unfitting, unrealistic and downright corny. The soundtrack has moments that feel fitting, but it is offbeat and highly repetitive at other times. The most exciting portion is the third act, which is set in a large castle filled with many beasts. The ending has many unexplainable aspects that will only frustrate viewers.

After a series of local killings and disappearances, Horrace, Jane and half-Werewolf Archie are tasked by the troubled local villagers to investigate strange happenings in a nearby Gothic castle. Venturing to the castle for the night, with a small group of brave volunteers, they soon uncover a horde of otherworldly creatures and a battle soon breaks out!

I did the same steps with the werewolf, but I deliberately left the black wash off of the face of the werewolf to make it stand out a little bit more. It was blending in too much with the rest of the head. Darkening the rest of the head helped define the face more.

Jordan Sands (Victoria Justice) is an awkward and nerdy 17-year-old girl with a bad case of allergies who became the woman of the house after the recent death of her mother. Her father David (Matt Winston) is struggling to make ends meet while her 14-year-old brother Hunter (Chase Ellison) drives the family crazy with gory pranks as he loves monsters. They inherit their mother's great uncle Dragomir Vukovic's castle in Wolfsberg, Romania, which they did not know existed. After arriving in Wolfsberg, they meet the strange and steely castle housekeeper, Madame Varcolac (Brooke Shields), whose name when pronounced causes a wolf to howl in the distance.

Meanwhile the kids explore the town, Hunter learns about the "Wolfsberg Beast", a monster that protects both the castle and the town and Jordan falls in love with the local butcher, Goran. Varcolac discourages David from selling the property, but he decides to so that they can put an end to their financial struggles. He goes on dates with the bubbly real estate agent Paulina von Eckberg, who handles the selling and only appears at night.

One day, while snooping around Dragomir's lab, Jordan accidentally steps on a vial of blood. Though Hunter pulls the bloody glass from her foot, her behavior changes, she becomes a carnivore (in the beginning of the movie, she mentions having tofu stir fry for dinner because of her vegetarian diet), her senses heighten, gains a playful dog-like behavior (she plays with the dogs at the nearby park), and her allergies disappear. Hunter's friends explain that Jordan has become a werewolf due to either a bloodline curse, a werewolf bite, or becoming infected with the blood of a werewolf. Hunter realizes it was the vial of blood, which is revealed to have been LB-217, short for "Lycanthrope Blood".

Jordan transforms into a werewolf, which Hunter witnesses. She holds back from attacking Hunter and flees. Hunter's friends reveal that there is no cure they know of other than killing a werewolf with a silver bullet. Hunter refuses to do this. His friends warn that if Jordan is not cured by next sunrise, she will remain a werewolf, cursed to shift every night until the end of her life.

Hunter turns to Varcolac, who reveals that Dragomir was also a werewolf and was actually the famed "Wolfsberg Beast". Vampires attempted to take over the castle and rise to power but Dragomir stopped them before he was killed. Before his death, he had been working on a cure to lycanthropy. As Varcolac quickly gathers the ingredients for the cure, Paulina captures the siblings, revealing herself as a Vampire and the one who killed Dragomir. She wants to take over the manor but must kill Jordan first, as she is unable to take the castle as long as Dragomir's werewolf relatives are alive. Jordan, in her werewolf form, is restrained, while Hunter escapes and leads David to the hideout. However, they are also captured.

Before Paulina can shoot Jordan, Hunter suddenly turns into a werewolf himself; as he is part of the bloodline, making him a true descendant, unlike Jordan. The siblings fight the Vampires until the sun rises and the Vampires are killed in sunlight. Back at the manor, Hunter's blood is used in the antidote, and it successfully subdues Jordan's werewolf self and reverts her to normal. The Sands family formally receives the money they inherited from Dragomir, which turns out to be enough for them to both keep the castle and their original home as Dragomir had supposedly invented karaoke. Hunter becomes the Wolfsberg Beast, his true destiny, and takes Dragomir's place.

The family returns home, where Jordan demonstrates a new confidence at school. Goran also moves to California as a foreign exchange student and the two start a relationship. In a twist, it turns out that Paulina survived, and has moved to their neighborhood to continue her attempts at taking over the castle.

Entertaining and atmospheric with a great dose of cornball, I liked it. But I was confused at the end. How did getting bit by the vampire turn the man into a werewolf? And shouldn't the wife have been the one turned into a werewolf? It was set up like that!

At least in this horror tale they feature a Wolfman that looks like a man with a wolf's head rather than the Lon Chaney style of werewolf head. A wolf headed man seems more menacing.

If nothing else, these nonsensical plot comics are the best comics, like the B or Z grade horror flicks, they are entertaining but for the wrong reasons.


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