
Working experiences with students are treasures in my life. I sincerely regard those experiences as part of my most essential career contributions. I have tried my best to work with all students who are willing to work with me. And I wish them a happy life.    

Students worked with me before I became a professor:

Alexander J. Buser, graduate student, California Institute of Technology Princeton Consultants

Together with: John Preskill

Hansheng Jiang, graduate student, University of California, Berkeley. University of Toronto Rotman School of Management, Assistant Professor.

Together with: Zuo-Jun Max Shen.   

Yi  (Nancy)  Li, undergraduate student, The University of Chicago economics. 

Yue-Zhou Li, graduate student, McGill University Princeton University, postdoc fellow

Together with: Simon Caron-Huot.

Zimu Li, graduate student, University of Cambridge. 

Together with: Sergii Strelchuk

Zexi Lin, graduate student (master thesis advised), The University of Chicago → Huawei Technologies

Together with: Liang Jiang

Minzhao (Henry) Liu, graduate student, The University of Chicago → JP Morgan Chase Quantum

Together with: Yuri Alexeev

Henry Makhanov, research intern and graduate student (master thesis adviced), qBraid Co. and University of Texas Austin qBraid Co.

Zihan Pengmei, graduate student, The University of Chicago.

Together with: Aaron Dinner

Dingyi Sun, undergraduate student, The University of Chicago University of California Berkeley, graduate student

Together with: Liang Jiang

Yunfei Wang, undergraduate student, Brandeis University University of Maryland, College Park.

Together with: Bartlomiej Czech

Xinbiao Wang, research intern, 

Together with: Yuxuan Du

Bingzhi Zhang, graduate student, USC. 

Together with: Quntao Zhuang.

Zhaohe (Serena) Zhang, undergraduate student, University of British Columbia  → Harvard University public policy. 

Han Zheng, graduate student and research intern, The University of Chicago and qBraid Co..