
Some scientific works I have done could be found at the Google Scholar link or the INSPIREHEP link.

This is an artistic illustration of "quantum artificial general intelligence". The picture is made using DALLE2, an AI painter using state-of-the-art technology from natural language processing. We show that the biggest advantage quantum computers can contribute to algorithms for machine learning may be in the training of large-scale AI models like GPT-3. This talk partially illustrate the idea. My paper gets published in Nature Communcations.

This is an artistic illustration of "quantum data center". The picture is made using DALLE2, an AI painter using state-of-the-art technology from natural language processing. We show that quantum data center, a combination of Quantum Random Access Memory and quantum networks, will provide efficient, private, and fast services as a future version of data centers. See the talk for more details.

This is an artistic illustration of "quantum representation learning" along with the idea of applying the neural tangent kernel theory to quantum circuits. The picture is made using DALLE2, an AI painter using state-of-the-art technology from natural language processing. We show that variational quantum circuits have significant representation learning capability. See also a talk, another talk, and also this paper, this paper, and this paper. I also give a lecture for a summer school in 2022 about this topic.

This is an artist's creation about the Heisenberg-magnet bootstrap project in the western fantasy and MMORPG style! The depiction of characters is based entirely on their images in reality. Characters are: Priest: David Poland. Ninja/Assassin: Ning Su. Gunfighter: David Simmons-Duffin. Spellcaster/Magician: Shai Chester. Bard: Alessandro Vichi. Saber: Walter Landry. Archer: Junyu Liu. Other ingredients include Feynman-like diagrams in the magic circle with a "boot" (indicating the conformal bootstrap) and magnets, a Feynman-like diagram in the shield of the saber, and the tree (indicating the "tip-top" algorithm we have developed). The figure is credited to Wenting Owen Fu. 

This is an artist's creation about quantum simulation of kink scattering project (see also another talk, and my own talk here and here). The depiction of characters is based entirely on their images in reality. From left to right: Burak Sahinoglu, Ashley Milsted, Junyu Liu, John Preskill, and Guifre Vidal. Other ingredients include cosmic bubbles (physical objects that are similar to kinks), a spacecraft, a cat (Schrodinger's cat), and the Bell state. The figure is credited to Jinglin Nicole Gao. Figures shown in the screen utilize the figures in our scientific work.

This is an artist's creation about the superfluid helium conformal bootstrap project (see also another reference). The depiction of characters is based entirely on their images in reality. From left to right: Shai Chester, David Meltzer, Junyu Liu, Walter Landry, Alessandro Vichi, David Poland, David Simmons-Duffin, and Ning Su. Other ingredients include islands (a theoretical physics terminology referring to the isolated region in the theoretical space using the bootstrap method), a spacecraft (referring to the Space Shuttle Columbia experiment), a diagram as stars in the sky (referring to the conformal block expansion, the basics of the bootstrap equation in the conformal field theory). The figure is credited to Jinglin Nicole Gao.


I give a talk called "Quantum AI: from near-term to fault-tolerance" in the Kadanoff Center in the University of Chicago in February 2023, partially based on this paper and this paper.

I am luckily interviewed by Quantum China in September 2022. Moroever, I have attended the panel discussion in Quantum China with the title: Quantum+AI: from algorithm towards applications.

I give a talk around August in 2022, called "Quantum Data Center", in the MIT/Notre Dame quantum computing lecture series. See the paper for more details.

Around the end of 2021, I give a talk and another talk about quantum neural tangent kernel applied to variational circuit, which we call "quantum representation learning". In our work, we intialize the first-principle analysis of quantum neural networks from the physics perspective. See also this paper, this paper, and this paper. I also give a lecture for a summer school in 2022 about this topic.

There is a talk by one of my advisors, John Preskill, about quantum simulation of quantum field theories and two works I am working on with him: the analytic work is with John and Burak Sahinoglu, while the numerical work is with Ash Milsted, John and Guifre Vidal. I also give a talk on the same topic in the Caltech IQIM seminar in 2020 Fall. This work is mentioned in Quanta Magazine also in 2020.

Recently, there is a Quanta Magazine article mentioning my work about large-scale optimization, critical phenomenon and conformal field theories. There are some introductory articles from Slava Rychkov on his blog and his post in the Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics about our recent result on the conformal field theory and statistical models. There are several related talks. One of them is given by David Simmons-Duffin in the Perimeter Institute for the Bootstrap 2019 conference. Numerical conformal bootstrap is a pure quantum field theory approach for solving critical systems using large-scale optimization. A very good summary of this work and related works in numerical bootstrap is given by David Simmons-Duffin.

My work with Clifford Cheung and Grant Remmen about a proof of weak gravity conjecture is recently featured by Quanta Magazine. My works have been mentioned by Quanta Magazine twice in a month! There is a talk about my work given by Grant in the conference Vistas over the Swampland in Madrid, 2018.

There is a talk given by one of my coauthors, Ash Milsted, about our work with John Preskill and Guifre Vidal, focusing on the false vacuum decay, tensor networks and quantum computing.

There is a talk given by my coauthor Eva Silverstein, which is related to our work about quantum error correction, quantum simulation and quantum gravity in de Sitter space.