In Progress (* denotes co-first author.)

Park, J. A Purely Epidemic Point Process Model of Disease Spread.

Park, J., Brantingham, P.J., Bertozzi, A. and Schoenberg, F.P. Event-Based Interventions, Synthetic Controls and the Law of Crime Concentration.


Lee, S.D., Shen, A., Park, J., Harrigan, R.J., Hoff, N., Rimoin, A., and Schoenberg, F.P. (2021) Comparison of prospective Hawkes and recursive point process models for Ebola in DRC. Journal of Forecasting,

Kaplan, A.M., Park, J., Kresin, C., and Schoenberg, F.P. (2021) Nonparametric estimation of recursive point processes with application to mumps in Pennsylvania. Biometrical Journal, DOI:

Park, J., Schoenberg, F.P. ,Bertozzi, A. and Brantingham, P.J. (2021) Investigating Clustering and Interventions in Gang-Related Violent Crime Data using Spatial-temporal Point Processes with Covariates. JASA, DOI: 10.1080/01621459.2021.1898408.

Park, J., Chafee, A., Harrigan, R., and Schoenberg, F.P. (2020) A Non-Parametric Hawkes Model of the Spread of Ebola in West Africa. Journal of Applied Statistics, 1-17.

Kelly, J.D.*, Park, J.* et al. (2019) Real-time Predictions of the 2018-2019 Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak in the Northeastern Region of Democratic Republic of Congo using Hawkes Point Process Models. Epidemics 28, 100354.