Graduate Students

[1] Minjin Seo (PhD, 18)

[2] Sehyun Kim (PhD, 18)

[3] Bongseop Kim (PhD, 19) 

[4] Sohee Jeon (PhD, 20) 

[5] Junghyun Kim (PhD, 21) 

[6] Chanho Joo (MA, 21) 

[7] Nakyeong Lee (PhD, 21) 

[8] Inhee Park (PhD, 21)

[9] Seungtae Kim (PhD, 22)

[10] Kangwoo Choi (PhD, 23)

[11] Jungseok Ryu (MA, 23)

[12] Jongwon Kim (PhD, 24)

[26] Yeji Park (MA, 21; UC Davis 농경제학 박사과정

[25] Hyunho Shin (MA; MSU 박사과정

[24] Han Byul Lee (PhD; 서울대 경제연구소) 

[23] 유인경 Inkyung Yoo (PhD; SNU BK postdoc fellow; 한국은행 경제연구원)

[22] 최윤지 Yunji Choi (PhD; HKUST-SNU postdoc fellow) 

[21] 이지영 Jiyeong Lee (PhD; 중앙대학교 사교육중점연구센터 postdoc fellow)

[20] 손원근 WonGeun Son (MA; Ohio State University 박사과정) Why Did the 52-hour Workweek Policy Fail to Reduce Working Hours? 

[19] 오채현 Chai Hyun Oh (MA; University of Maryland 박사과정)

[18] 이치호 Chiho Lee (PhD; 과학기술정책연구원) Transportation and Local Labor Market

[17] 박지혜 Jihye Park (PhD; 미래에셋연구원; 한국전력공사) Unemployment, Welfare Program, and Labor Supply

[16] 권현진 Hyunjin Kwon (PhD; 국방연구원) Three Essays in Economics of Time Use

[15] 오수현 Suhyeon Oh (MA; Texas A&M 박사과정) The Effects of the Public Sector on Labor Market Outcomes in the Private Sector

[14] 박서현 Seo-Hyun Park (MA; 연구개발특구진흥재단) Aging and Job Polarization

[13] 장광남 Kwangnam Chang (PhD; 직업능력연구원) Three Essays on Employment and Wages 

[12] 김정혁 Jeonghyuk Kim (MA; University of Houston 박사과정) Labor Supply Effects of the Basic Living Security Program

[11] 손종민 Jongmin Sohn (MA; 딜로이트 안진회계법인 경영연구원) R&D Investment and Job Creation

[10] 박금비 Geumbi Park (MA; Texas A&M 박사과정) Employment Effects of Temporary Worker Protection Legislation

[9] 정원혁 Weonhyeok Chung (MA; University of Houston 박사, 대외경제정책연구원) Basic Old Age Pension and the Cognitive ability of the Elderly

[8] 서민진 Minjin Seo (MA; PhD student at SNU) Household Income and Students' Academic Aspiration

[7] 유인경 Inkyung Yoo (MA; PhD student at SNU) Marriage, Childbearing and Female Labor Market Outcomes

[6] 손진영 Jin-yeong Sohn (MA; PhD at University of Texas at Austin; Havard Kennedy School Postdoc) Estimating Peer Effects from the Seoul High-School Choice Lottery Program

[5] 김세현 Sehyun Kim (MA; PhD student at SNU) Long-term Effects of Father's Layoff on Children's Academic Achievement

[4] 유정현 Jung Hyun Yoo (MA; Korea Small Business Institute) CEO's Human-Capital Characteristics and Firm Performance 

[3] 박지혜 Jihye Park (MA) Do Son Preferences Still Exist? Evidence from Investment in First-Born Children

[2] 박지영 Ji Young Park (MA) Effects of Cognitive Ability and Non-Cognitive Ability on Wages

[1] 이치호 Chiho Lee (MA) Estimation of Wage Equation with Correction for Selection Bias upon Working Province

[21] Seung Jin Hwang (PhD, 충남테크노파크) The Impacts of Minimum Wages on Labor Markets (The revised version of the first essay "The Impact of Minimum Wages on Employment in Korea," coauthored with Jungmin Lee, has been published at Korean Journal of Labor Economics, June 2016). 

[20] Min Kyung Sim (MA) The Labor Market Consequences of Social Insurance

[19] Dae Yeol Kim (MA; Technovalue 기술과 가치) The Effects of the Anti-Discrimination Act for Non-regular Workers

[18] Pyoungsik Kim (MA;  Employer Federation 경총; PhD student at UNC Chapel Hill; 조세재정연구원) Seniority Pay in Korea (The First Prize at graduate student paper competition sponsored by Korea Labor Research Institute)

[17]  Hyun Jin Kwon (MA; Ph.D. student at Sogang) The Network Analysis of North Korean Trade (Excellence Award at graduate student paper competition sponsored by Korean Association of Applied Economics)

[16]  Hyo Jin Kim (MA; Korea Economic Research Institute) Self-efficacy and Academic Performance

[15]  Jong Wook Kim (MA; 노동연구원) The KOSPI 200 Effect: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design

[14]  Hyo Na Yang (MA; 풀무원) The Impact of Particulate Matter on Health

[13]  Seul Gi So (MA; Greenhouse Gas Inventory & Research Center of Korea) Clean Evidence on Peer Effects at a Young Age: A Field Experiment on Elementary School Students

[12]  Sae Ran Yoo (MA; 한국공인중개사협회 Korea Association of Realtors) The Impacts of Disabled Worker Quotas Laws 

[11]  Soo Kyung Noh (MA; Korea Institute of Public Finance) Immigrants' Economic Performance and International Adoption in the United States

[10]  So Jung Yoo (MA; Dasan Labor Corporation) Product Market Structure and Collective Bargaining

[9]  Yong-Kwan Lee (PhD; Korea Culture & Tourism Institute) Three Essays on Labor Supply: Evidence from Natural Experiments in South Korea (The first essay "The Impact of Weather on Time Use" has been published at Korean Journal of Economic Studies, December 2012).

[8]  Hye Yeon Park (MA; Sogang Law School) Coeducation and Academic Performance (A revised version coauthored with Jungmin Lee was presented at the 2014 ASSA meetings)

[7]  Seong Seo Ahn (MA; Korea Economic Research Institute) Determinants of Reservation Wage in the South Korean Labor Market

[6]  Jae Churl Hwang (MA; Korea Center for International Finance) Testing for Discrimination using Employer-Employee Matched Data (Excellence Award at graduate student paper competition sponsored by Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training)

[5]  So Hyun Nam (MA; Ph.D. student at Sogang) Shared Social Responsibility: Evidence from A Field Experiment in Korea (A revised version coauthored with Jungmin Lee and Sangkon Park, published at Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics)

[4]  Joon Pyo Lee (MA; Korea Productivity Center) Labor Market Consequences of Single-Sex Schooling

[3]  Eun Ji Kim (MA) Reference Group, Subjective Obesity and Dietary Behavior

[2]  Ji Sun Kim (MA) Gender Differences in Competitiveness (A revised version coauthored with Jungmin Lee was presented at Korea Society of Labor Economists summer conference)

[1]  Hyoungrak Kim (MA; KDB Daewoo Securities) The Impact of Five Workday Week on Actual Working Hours and Employment. (The revised version coauthored with Jungmin Lee, published at Korean Journal of Labor Economics, December 2012)