Research interests

Human development in cultural context, culture and psychology, anthropology of education, language socialization, culture, consumption, and advertising, South Korea, United States

주요 연구 분야

연구주제: 문화/언어인류학, 문화와 심리, 아동과 사회화, 문화와 교육, 언어사회화, 개인과 공동체, 문화와 광고, 문화와 소비

연구 지역 및 방법론: 미국 및 한국 문화, 문화비교연구, 질적연구방법론


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles 

Kim, Y., Ahn, J. (2023) “Making Ambiguous Relationships through Indistinct Speech Levels: A Case Study of Strategic Using of Korean Speech Levels in Instant Messenger KakaoTalk,” Korean Journal of Cultural Anthropology 56(1). (in Korean) “말단계의 전략적 사용을 통한 모호한 관계 만들기: 대학생의 카카오톡 의사소통에 나타나는 공적 말하기 전략,” 『한국문화인류학』 56(1).

Ahn, J. (2021) “Children’s Verbal Play in a Korean Preschool Classroom,” Cross Cultural Studies 27(2). (in Korean) “한국 아동들의 말놀이 유형과 사용 양상: 어린이집 교실 담화를 중심으로,” 『비교문화연구』 24(1). 
Ahn, J. (2021) “South Korean Education under Psychocultural Globalization,” Introduction to Ethos 49(1) special issue (co-guest editor with Hyang Jin Jung). [SSCI] Ahn, J. (2021) “From My Expression to Our Expressions: Multidirectionality of Learning in the Globalized Korea,” Ethos 49(1). [SSCI] Ahn, J. (2021) “Learning to Manage Conflicts in Two Cultures: A Comparison of Conflict Socialization Practices of U.S. and Korean Preschools,” Korean Journal of Anthropology of Education 24(1). (in Korean) 갈등과 사회적 관계의 사회화: 미국과 한국 유아교육 기관의 갈등사회화,” 『교육인류학연구』 24(1). Ahn, J. (2020) “Honorifics and peer conflict in Korean children’s language socialization,” Linguistics and Education 59. [SSCI] Ahn, J. (2020) “Raising an Empathetic Child: A Korean and American Comparison of Early Socialization,” Korean Journal of Cultural Anthropology 53(2). (in Korean) “공감할 줄 아는 아이 기르기: 한국과 미국의 공감사회화에 관한 비교문화적 연구,” 『한국문화인류학』 53(2). Ahn, J. (2019) “We’re All Friends vs. We’re All Arum Class: Socialization of Communality and Sociality in American and Korean Preschools,” Korean Journal of Cultural Anthropology 52(1). (in Korean) “‘우리는 모두 친구’, ‘우리는 모두 아름반’: 미국과 한국의 공동체성 사회화에 대한 비교문화적 기술,” 『한국문화인류학』 52(1). Ahn, J. (2017), “Book Review of Linguistic Ethnography of Korean: Chungcheongnambuk-do,” Korean Journal of Cultural Anthropology 50(1). (in Korean) 『한국의 언어민속지: 충청남북도 편』(왕한석) 서평, 『한국문화인류학』 50(1). Choi, J., Ahn, J. (2016) “Language of boundaries and communication,” Cross Cultural Studies 22(1). (in Korean) “경계의 언어화와 소통,” 『비교문화연구』 22(2). (공저) Ahn, J. (2016) “Are You Bragging to the Sister?: Fictive Kin Term Usage and Social Hierarchy in Korean Language Socialization Practice,” Korean Journal of Cultural Anthropology 49(3). (in Korean) “‘언니한테 자랑하는 거니?’: 한국 아동들의 의사친척용어 학습을 통한 사회적 지위와 위계의 사회화,” 『한국문화인류학』 49(3). Seo, U., Ahn, J., Meang, K., Yun, N., Kim, S. (2016) “Social Production and Construction of the Red-Light District: A Case Study of ‘Missbang’ in Cheongnyangni 588, Seoul,” Seoul Studies 17(3). (in Korean) “도시 성매매 공간의 사회 생산과 구성: 청량리 588 지역의 ‘미스방’ 사례 분석,” 『서울도시연구』 17(3). (교신저자, 공저) Ahn, J. (2016) “Language socialization of politeness in a Korean preschool,” The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 24(1). (in Korean) “한국어 공손성의 언어사회화 관습 연구,” 『사회언어학』 24(1). Ahn, J. (2016) “Indigenization of Play-centered Curriculum and its Dilemma: A Case of Korean Early Childhood Education,” Korean Journal of Anthropology of Education 19(1). (in Korean) “놀이 중심 교육의 토착화와 딜레마: 한국 유아교육 사례를 중심으로,” 『교육인류학연구』 19(1). Ahn, J. (2016) “Socialization through Narrative Practices: A Comparative Study of Korean and American Preschool Classroom Discourses,” Korean Journal of Cultural Anthropology 49(1). (in Korean) “이야기 관습의 언어사회화: 한국과 미국 아동 사례의 비교,” 『한국문화인류학』 49(1). Ahn, J. (2016) “‘Don’t Cry, You’re Not a Baby!’: Emotion, Role, and Hierarchy in Korean Language Socialization Practice,” Children and Society 30(1). [SSCI] Ahn, J. (2015) “Finding a Child’s Self: Globalization and the Hybridized Landscape of Korean Early Childhood Education,” Anthropology and Education Quarterly 46(3). [SSCI] Ahn, J. (2014) “‘I Won’t Love You, Then’: Love, Expressive Culture, and Children’s Agency in the Korean Emotional Socialization Landscape,” Korean Journal of Cultural Anthropology 47(2). (in Korean) “’그러면 나는 너 사랑 안  할거야’: 한국 중산층의 감정 사회화와 아동의 행위성,” 『한국문화인류학』 47(2). Ahn, J. (2014) “Between ‘Communal life’ and ‘Self’: Heterogeneities and Contradictions in Korean Middle-Class Socialization Practices,” Korean Journal of Cultural Anthropology 47(1). (in Korean) “‘함께하기’와 ‘자아’ 사이에서: 한국 중산층의 사회화에 나타난 혼란과 모순,” 『한국문화인류학』 47(1). Ahn, J. (2011) “You’re my friend today, but not tomorrow: Learning to be friends among young U.S. middle-class children,” American Ethnologist 38(2). [SSCI] Ahn, J. (2010) “The Myth of American Selfhood and Emotions: Raising a Sociocentric Child among Middle-Class Americans,” Journal of Anthropological Research 66(3). [SSCI] Ahn, J. (2010) “‘I’m Not Scared of Anything’: Emotion as Social Power in Children’s World,” Childhood: A Journal of Global Child Research 17(1). [SSCI] Ahn, J. (2009) “Emotional Women and Rational Men: Constructing and Reconstructing Emotion and Gender among Young American Middle-Class Children,” Korean Journal of Cultural Anthropology 43 (1). (in Korean) “감정적 여성, 이성적 남성: 미국 중산층 아동들의 또래 놀이에 나타난 젠더와 감정,” 『한국문화인류학』 43(1). Ahn, J. (2009) “Learning to be Sociocentric among Young American Middle-Class Children,” Korean Journal of Cultural Anthropology 42 (1). (in Korean) “그다지 개인주의적이지 않은 미국인들: 미국 중산층의 친사회적 아동 기르기,” 『한국문화인류학』 42(1). Ahn, J. (2008) “‘We All Have the Same Skin, Right?’: Reconstructing Social Categories in Children’s Social Worlds,” Cross-Cultural Research 14(1). (in Korean) “우리는 피부색이 같아, 그렇지?” 미국 중산층 아동들의 사회범주 학습과 재구성, 『비교문화연구』 14(1). Ahn, J. (2008) “‘Please Pass the Mustache”: Reinterpretation and Transformation in American Middle-Class Socialization Practice,” Korean Journal of Anthropology of Education 11(1). (in Korean) “콧수염 좀 건네주세요”: 미국 중산층 아동들의 사회화 맥락 재해석과 변형, 『교육인류학연구』 11(1). Ahn, J. (2000) “An Ethnosemantic Approach to the Identity and Social Life of the Homeless,” Cross-Cultural Research 6(2). (in Korean) “노숙자의 정체성과 적응전략에 관한 인지인류학적 접근,” 『비교문화연구』 6(2).

Books and Book Chapters

Ahn, J. (2023) Between Self and Community: Children’s Personhood in a Globalized South Korea, Rutgers University Press.
2022 (역서) 부모는 중요하지 않다: 하버드대 인류학 교수 부부의 부모 역할 뒤집어보기』, 눌민 (원제: "Do Parents Matter?" by Robert Levine and Sarah Levine)
Ahn, J. (2019) Advertisement and Cultural History of Beauty in Korea, Communication Books (with Eunsup Choi). (in Korean) 『화장품 광고와 아름다움의 문화사』, 커뮤니케이션북스 (최은섭, 안준희 공저).

Book Chapters
Ahn, J. (2021) “Language Socialization of Emotion and Hierarchy,” in Y. Kang (ed.), Global Korean Studies: Linguistic Anthropology of South Korea. Seoul: Seoul National University Press. Ahn, J. (2018) “Cultural Foundations of Human Psychology,” in S. Kwon et al. (eds.), Contemporary Cultural Anthropology. Hyungsul (with Hyang Jin Jung). (in Korean) Ahn, J. (2012) “Language Socialization,” in Sociolinguistic Society of Korea (eds.), Dictionary of Sociolinguistics, Sotong. (in Korean) Ahn, J. (2010) “Semantic Dimensions of Identity of the Urban Homeless,” in H. Wang (ed.), Korean, Korean Culture, and Korean Society, Kyomunsa. (in Korean) 2021 “형님은 울지 않아요: 감정, 역할, 위계의 언어사회화,” 『현대한국사회의 언어문화』, 강윤희(편),서울대학교 출판부.
2018 “인간심리의 문화적 형성”, 『현대문화인류학: 인간과 문화에 대한 열일곱 가지 주제들』, 권숙인 외(편). 형설출판사 (안준희, 정향진 공저).
2016 “청파·서계동의 일상과 사회적 관계,” 『청파, 서계: 서울역 뒷동네』, 서울역사박물관 (공저).
2014 “성수동 ‘구두인’들의 일상, 문화, 그리고 내부자적 시선,” 『성수동: 장인, 천번의 두들김』, 서울역사박물관 (공저).
2012 “언어사회화,” 『사회언어학사전』, 한국사회언어학회, 소통.
2010 “‘노숙자’의 정체성과 적응전략: 인지인류학적 접근,” 『한국어, 한국문화, 한국사회』, 왕한석(편),교문사.

Current Research Projects

Cross-Cultural Comparison of Human Development 한국과 미국의 아동사회화 비교 연구
Based on long-term ethnographic fieldwork in preschools of the U.S. and South Korea, this research project comparatively analyzes the socialization practices and peer interactions of two cultures. Focusing on a variety of culturally salient domains such as empathy, emotion, social category, conflict, and narrative practices, it aims to discuss the cultural and innate foundations of human sociality.

Commodification of Childhood and Parenthood: An Anthropological Study on Korean Children's Consumer Culture부모됨과 아동기의 상업화: 한국 사회의 아동소비문화에 관한 인류학적 연구
This project provides an ethnographic account of contemporary South Korean childhood consumer culture, with particular focus on its mediations through parenthood, children’s peer culture, and the commercial world. By documenting parents’ and children’s everyday narratives and interactions regarding commodity consumption and the material world, the project examines how commodified childhood shapes and is shaped by parental goals, ideal personhood, family structure, and children’s peer relationships. This research is funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea.

Previous Research Projects

Globalization and the Changing Landscape of Korean Childhood전지구화와 한국 아동사회화 지형의 변화
This research project delves into the globalizing and transforming contours of contemporary South Korean early childhood socialization, in particular, focusing on local actors’ engagement with global imports. Based on long-term ethnographic fieldwork in a preschool in Seoul, South Korea, it examines how both children and teachers mutually construct and reconstruct their own multifaceted models of ideal personhood amid South Korea’s shifting educational and social grounds. Specific topics include transformation of ideal selfhood, multi-directionality of learning, affective hierarchy and peer culture, and language socialization of honorifics, etc. Dr. Ahn is currently working on a book manuscript on this topic.

Socialization of Class-Specific Sentiments and Sociality in the U.S.미국 중산층의 계급특수적 감정과 사회성의 사회화
 This research project investigates the emergence and elaboration of contemporary middle-class sentiments and sociality among young American children. Based on a year-long ethnographic fieldwork in a middle-class U.S. preschool, it examines how class-specific sentiments and sociality are reproduced and reconstructed through teachers’ everyday socialization practices as well as children’s creative and strategic transformation of them in their own societal world. Focusing on domains of selfhood, friendship, social categories, and emotions, it discusses dynamisms of cultural learning and the contribution children and their culture make to cultural reproduction.

Other Research Experiences and Positions

2021 Ethnographic documentation on the bookstore district in Cheonggye area, Seoul. Cheonggyecheon Museum, Seoul Museum of History
2016                Ethnographic documentations on urban spaces: Seoul Station, Seungbuk-dong, and Whasung. Seoul Museum of History, Seungbuk Cultural Foundations, Whaseung Cultural Center
2015       Fieldwork research on the red-light district in Cheongnyangni 588, Seoul
2014        Ethnographic fieldwork on the everyday lives of shoe craftsmen in Seungsu area, Seoul, Seoul Museum of History
2010-2012          Ethnographic fieldwork on Korean middle-class children and teachers
2006            Observational study on preschool children’s friendship in the U.S.
2005-2006          Doctoral dissertation fieldwork on children’s social relationships and emotions in the U.S.
Summer 2003     Archival research on socialization of emotions in the U.S.: A case study of storybook reading practice
Summer 2002     Psychological experiment testing children’s understanding of the difference between felt and expressed emotions in Seoul, Korea
Winter 1999    Master’s thesis fieldwork among the homeless in Seoul, Korea
Fall 1999    Ethnographic fieldwork at Seoul Welfare Center for Homeless, Korea

현지조사 및 기타 연구 수행


대학천 책방거리 기록 연구, 청계천박물관.


서울역 일대 공간적 특성 및 도시사회적 변화과정 기록 연구, 서울역사박물관.


성북동 역사문화지구 조성을 위한 ‘성북동다움 구상’ 연구, 성북문화재단.


화성 산업단지의 공간적 특성과 노동자의 일상문화 연구, 화성문화원.


청량리 588 지역 성매매 산업 생태계 조사 연구, 서울시.


성수동 수제화 산업 지역 연구, 서울역사박물관.


한국 중산층의 사회화 관습에 관한 현지조사


미국 아동의 친구관계 관념에 관한 관찰 및 실험 연구


미국 중산층의 사회화 관습 및 또래 문화에 관한 박사학위논문 현지조사


미국 중산층의 동화읽기 관습과 감정사회화 연구


한국 아동의 표현 감정과 내면 감정의 차이 이해에 대한 심리학 실험 연구


노숙자의 정체성과 생활세계에 관한 석사논문 현지조사