
Research Talks

E₁-quotients  and DGAs with polynomial homology. Algebraic Topology Seminar, 2023, Warwick

Differential graded algebras with polynomial homology. Scottish Topology Seminar, 2023, Aberdeen

E₁-quotients  and DGAs with polynomial homology.  JTP Topology, 2022, Bonn.

Hermitian Mackey functors and ring spectra with anti-involution. YTM 2021, online.

Expository Talks

Sheaves, Sites, Cohomology. Reading Seminar on Condensed Mathematics, 2023, Aberdeen.

Quillen's Higher Algebraic K-theory I. Kan seminar, 2023, Aberdeen

Introduction to -categories; Symmetric monoidal -categories. Reading Seminar on the Cobordism Hypothesis, 2022, Aberdeen.

Invertible topological field theories. Learning Seminar on Reflection Positivity, 2022, online.

Unstable Deformations. eCHT Reading Seminar on Synthetic Spectra, 2022, online.