Coaches Training December 2020

Want to become a better leader and missionary mentor? Do you have a passion for helping others grow? Want to personally grow deeper and reach higher at the same time?

Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. Colossians 2:7 (NLT)

It is said that the Chinese Bamboo Tree does the first three to four years of its growth underground. Then, in year five or so, it grows up to 80 feet in a span of 12 weeks! The comparison to leadership development and growth is this: Most of the hard work (the “taking root,” if you will) in leadership happens for years “underground” (behind the scenes) before the fruit of the labor is visible to others. A contrast to the Chinese Bamboo Tree, of course, is the weed, which seems to shoot up overnight but has no roots and hence no real staying power.

We want to help strengthen your roots and broaden your reach! We want to help you reach goals the Holy Spirit has placed in your heart as well as increase your influence within your family, church, ministry team and our common mission field. We are stronger together. As we grow as individuals - we grow collectively in AGWM Europe and God’s Kingdom advances.

In light of this thought - we are offering an opportunity for you to begin the journey of becoming a Certified Christian Leadership Coach. This year's training will be held online.


  • 3 courses, 2 days per course: Now online.

    • 501: Foundations for Christian Coaching (prerequisite for other courses)

      • This course provides the basic foundation for understanding and practicing coaching. Topics covered include: core coaching skills, coaching conversation model, the biblical basis for coaching, how coaching is distinct from counseling and mentoring, and how can use coaching in their ministries or workplace. You will finish the course ready and able to use coaching at a basic level.

    • 503: Coaching Change, Transition, and Transformation

      • Coaching is all about change, but not all change is the same and coaches need to be able to support three types of change: proactive change, transitions, and deep transformation.

    • 508: Coaching for Spiritual Growth

      • This course provides you the knowledge and skills necessary to apply coaching to faith conversations so you can use coaching to support people moving closer to God and deeper in their commitment to Christ. You'll learn how coaching can be used to help others grow spiritually. The course introduces several spiritual growth models and coaching frameworks that support spiritual growth as well as insights on how to apply coaching informally and in challenging conversations.


  • Dec 3-4: 501— Foundations for Christian Coaching

  • Dec 7-8: 503— Coaching Change, Transition, and Transformation

  • Dec 9-10: 508— Coaching for Spiritual Growth

  • Class begins at 14:00 CET (7:00 CST) and ends each day at 20:00 CET (13:00 CST). There will be additional 2 hours per day of homework time/ peer coaching.

  • Registration closes on 27 November


  • Online platform

How much

• $200 tuition per class.

Where do I start?

    1. Contact your Area Director for approval to attend the course! If approved, this course is covered as a 00 expense.

    2. Register!