Advantages of Coaching

Why I Coach

Approach to Ministry — Coaching is as much a mindset as it is a skill set. It is positive, growth-oriented, judgement-free, change-focused, and action-oriented.

Coaching aligns with my personal theology in these ways:

    • God is positive about me. He nudges me towards my potential rather than emphasizing my deficits.
    • He is more about the future than the past.
    • Present failure can often result in future success. I learn from everything.
    • Life must be lived out in action that aligns with His purpose (mission) for me.
    • He asks me to put others first and serve them.
    • He demands accountability in all areas of my life: relationships, actions, attitudes, and assignments.

Benefits of Coaching — Coaching does not replace mentoring, consulting, or discipleship; instead a coaching approach can enhance each of these approaches to leadership development. It is a useful tool to:

    • Increase team effectiveness
    • Develop better communication skills
    • Discover untapped potential
    • Steward strengths, resources, and opportunities
    • Create energy from authentic relationships
    • Build capacity instead of dependence

What a Coaching Work Culture Might Look Like — According to a 2016 survey by the International Coach Federation, 60% of clients worldwide are under the age of 45. Its appeal may be due to its orientation to process rather than content.

These are the shifts that might be created by a coaching work culture:

    • Information and technical knowledge to performance and outcomes.
    • Focus on correct behaviors within cultures more than skill sets and results.
    • Less transactional and more transformational.
    • Acceptance of the discomfort of new learning and a growth mindset instead of an unchallenged and fixed mindset.

Class Outcomes

    • A ministry coaching credential from the most trusted name in Christian coach training.
    • In-depth and personalized feedback about your coaching from an experienced and ICF-certified mentor coach.
    • Learning that will build your coaching proficiency through modeling, practice, feedback, adjustment and more practice.
    • Training that meets the rigorous standards of the International Coach Federation, delivered by ICF credentialed coaches.
    • Membership in the network of Certified Christian Leadership Coaches (CCLC), including being listed in the CCLC public database.