Julia Sánchez-Dorado


Area of Specialisation: Philosophy of science.

Areas of Competence: History of Science, Epistemology, Aesthetics, Science and Technology Studies.


University of Sevilla (Spain), Talent Postdoctoral Researcher, Junta de Andalucía. Philosophy Faculty, Area of Logic and Philosophy of Science, 2022-2025.

Institute for Cultural Inquiry, ICI Berlin, Postdoctoral Fellow, project 'Models', 2022-2024.

Technical University of Berlin (TU), Institute of Philosophy – Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow, 2020–2022.


Smithsonian Institution, Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation – National Museum for American History, Washington D.C. Visiting Postdoctoral Fellowship. July – September 2023.

University of Vienna – Philosophy Department. Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (Project “Possible Life”). April – July 2022.

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin. Dept. III – Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow, March – August 2020.


PhD   –   History and Philosophy of Science. University College London (UCL), Science and Technology Studies (2019).

 PhD Thesis: Scientific Representation in Practice: Models and Creative Similarity

MA     –   National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Philosophy of Science (2013)

MA Dissertation: La ciencia representada.

BA      –   University of Seville (Spain). Media Studies (2008)

      Hochschule der Medien (Stuttgart, Germany).  Visiting student (2007-2008)


SÁNCHEZ-DORADO, Julia (forth. in 2024) (with AMBROSIO, Chiara) (Eds.) Abstraction in Science and Art: Philosophical Perspectives. Routledge. Book here.

SÁNCHEZ-DORADO, Julia (forth. in 2024) "The novel naturalness of abstract space". In Abstraction in Science and Art: Philosophical Perspectives. Routledge. Pre-print here. Book here

SÁNCHEZ-DORADO, Julia (forth. in 2024) "Representation". Entry for The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Scientific Modeling. Knuuttila, T., Carrillo, N. & Koskinen, R. (Eds.). Pre-print here. Book here.

SÁNCHEZ-DORADO, Julia (forth. in 2024) "Abstraction as strategy for worldmaking". In Making and Breaking Models. ICI Press.

SÁNCHEZ-DORADO, Julia (2023) "Creativity, pursuit and epistemic tradition". Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 100, 81-89. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.shpsa.2023.05.003 

SÁNCHEZ-DORADO, Julia (2022) Review of The Aesthetics of Science. Beauty, imagination and understanding. Milena Ivanova and Steven French (eds.). Routledge, 2020. British Journal of Aesthetics. https://doi.org/10.1093/aesthj/ayab039  

European Commission, Joint Research Centre, CARUSI, A., SANCHEZ-DORADO, J., SÖZÜDOĞRU, E. (2022) Adverse outcome pathway: study report, Whelan, M. (editor), Wittwehr, C. (editor), Publications Office of the European Union, 2022, https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2760/476003 

SÁNCHEZ-DORADO, Julia & CRISTALLI, Claudia (2021) “Colligation in modelling practices: from Whewell’s tides to the San Francisco Bay Model”. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 85, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.shpsa.2020.11.001

SÁNCHEZ-DORADO, Julia (2020) "Novel & worthy: Creativity as a thick epistemic concept". European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 10, 40. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13194-020-00303-y 

SÁNCHEZ-DORADO, Julia (2018) “Methodological lessons for the integration of philosophy and aesthetics: The case of representation”. In BUENO, Otávio, et al. Thinking about Science, Reflecting on Art: Bringing Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Science Together. New York: Routledge, p. 10-26. (Book here. Paper online here)

SÁNCHEZ-DORADO, Julia (2018) "Semejanza creativa en la práctica representacional de la ciencia". In PÉREZ RANSANZ, A., and PONCE, A. Creatividad e Innovación en Ciencia y Tecnología. UNAM, 2018. 

In preparation

(under review; with S. Sterrett) "The meandering epistemic status of scale models in American hydraulics (1922-1949)"

(under review) "The Earth in the Model". For special issue Historical Epistemologies of Planetary Modelling. 

"'A few barrels of sand shipped from the river to the model': Revisiting the model materiality debate"



2023: "Abstract representation as strategy for worldmaking". Workshop Making and Breaking Models. ICI Berlin, October 2023.

2023: * "Exploration through concrete Earth models". Workshop Historical Epistemologies of Planetary Modelling. Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, June 2023.

2023: * "'More an art than a science': prácticas artesanales en los primeros laboratorios hidráulicos en EE.UU. (1923-1949)". Seminario IBEROT@C, online, April 2023.

2023: "'A few barrels of sand shipped from the river to the model': An HPS approach to the materiality of modelling". The 9th Conference of Integrated History and Philosophy of Science. University of South Carolina, March 2023.

2022: * "An HPS approach to the epistemology of hydraulic physical modelling". Seminar at the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management. Technical University of Vienna, September 2022.

2022: "Judgments of similarity and a pragmatic account of representation". Conference German Society for Philosophy of Science. Berlin, August 2022.

2022: "The drifting epistemic status of scale models in American hydraulics (1922-1949)". Forschungskolloquium zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Technical University Berlin, April 2022.

2021: "Pursuitworthiness, creativity, and epistemic tradition". Online Workshop Pursuitworthiness in Scientific Inquiry. March 2021.

2019: * "Novel and worthy: creativity in model studies". Workshop Exploratory Modelling and Exploratory Models in Science. Technical University Berlin, Germany, November 2019.

2019: * "Not only size matters: Judgments of similarity and distortion in scale modelling". Center for Space and Habitability and Institute of Philosophy. University of Bern, August 2019.

2019: “The creative similarity account of representation”. Creativity across the Arts and Sciences Workshop. Bristol University, UK, April 2019.


"Philosophy of Science", Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sevilla (Spain), Year 2022-23, 2023-24.

"Argumentation Theory". Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sevilla (Spain), Year 2022-23, 2023-24

"Models in the Engineering and Geosciences", Institute of Philosophy, Technical University Berlin (WiSe 2021-2022).

“Reasons of art and aesthetics of science", Institute of Philosophy, Technical University Berlin (SoSe 2021).

"Science, Art and Philosophy”, Department of Science and Technology Studies UCL, PGTA (2016-2017).

"Knowledge and Reality (Introduction to Epistemology and Metaphysics)", Philosophy Department UCL, PGTA (2015).

“Philosophy of Science”, Department of Science and Technology Studies UCL, PGTA (2014).

“Making Value Judgements: Qualitative Thinking”, BASc in Arts and Sciences UCL, PGTA (2014).