

  About Me:

Hello! My name is Julia Purrazzella and I  attended the New York Harbor School in the Marine Biology Research Program (MBRP) and graduated in 2023 as the Salutatorian. I am pursuing a career in Marine Policy at the University of New England (ME) because I am very passionate about making the world a better place and helping to solve the issues of climate change in our world. My current major is Marine Affairs with a minor in Climate Change Studies and I am expected to graduate in 2027.  I am from New York City and have lived there my whole life. My Myers-Briggs results are ISFJ,(Introverted, Observant, Feeling, and Judging). According to this test, people with this personality type are warm and unassuming, efficient, and give careful attention to detail.. This is accurate!  My Holland Code is ISC(Investigative, Social, Conventional). I work well with others and I am honest about my opinions.  One of my proudest accomplishments was presenting at the United Nations Water Conference about youth education in sustainability and clean water.

First: Here, I am holding a spider crab on The Cap'n Bert, a URI fishing trawler used for research and education.

Second: Here, I am on the RipRap of Governors Island collecting Marine Debris. See the helmet labeled "JULIA."

Last: Here, I am collecting water samples for the Billion Oyster Project's Water Quality monitoring which will be tested for Enterococcus.