Julia Plavnik
Ph. Venus Leah
I am an Argentinian mathematician. I got my PhD in FaMAF, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba in 2013.
I am the Charlotte Ann Griffin Associate Professor of Mathematics at Indiana University in Bloomington, USA.
I am also involved with the IU Quantum Science and Engineering Center (QSEc).
My research is on quantum symmetries, with a particular focus on quantum algebra and quantum topology. My main interest is in tensor, fusion, modular categories, link invariants, and cohomological aspects of non-commutative algebras, such as Hopf algebras. I am very interested in the mathematical foundation of topological phases of matters. I am always excited about the connections of tensor categories with other areas of mathematics, like mathematical physics and operator algebras, and applications in higher energy physics and quantum information.
My cv lastly updated on October 2022.
I was awarded a Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers to work in Universität Hamburg with host Prof. Dr. Christoph Schweigert. More in the IDS news and IU news.
I am supported by NSF CAREER grant DMS-2146392 (2022-2027).
I am a principal investigator for the Simons Collaboration on Global Categorical Symmetries (2021-2025). Check out our future events!
I was supported by NSF grant DMS-1917319 (transfer DMS 1802503) in 2018-2022.
I am part of the Editorial Board of Communications in Algebra, the Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, and the Canadian Journal of Mathematics.
I am very honored to have received the 2022 Outstanding Faculty Mentor/Advocates awarded by CEWIT at IU.
I am part of the Faculty Advisory Board of CEWIT at IU.
I am honored to be a plenary speaker for the Coloquio Latinoamericano de Álgebra (CLA) 2024 which will take place in July in Chile.
I am very happy to be giving an invited address at the 2024 Spring Western Sectional Meeting which will take place at San Francisco State University in May 2024.
I co-organized with T. Creutzig, A. Moreau, N. Reshetikhin, and D. Ridout a thematic month on Quantum symmetries (October 10th - November 4th) at the 2022 CRM Thematic Semester on Symmetries. I was a CRM Simons Professor in this program. Our thematic month was supported by NSF grant DMS-2228888. Look at our website. We are currently editing a volume for Contemporary Math (deadline May 15).
I co-organized with C. Jones and D. Penneys the online seminar UQSL
I am the faculty liaison for the math grad Peer Mentoring Initiative at IU.
I am the faculty mentor of the Women in Math Club at IU. More info on our Instagram page.
I was a Kovener Teaching Fellow at IU 2020-2021 and 2021-2022. More about the Kovener program at IU news.
I was a part of the Lathisms Calendar on September 29th, 2018