
My research at the University of Wyoming focuses on the anatomy, biostratigraphy and paleobiogeography of the "Laramie Pipeline Dinosaurs". Found during the construction of the Rockies Express natural gas pipeline on private land, and donated to the university, the LPDs are 5 partial specimens of Morrison Formation dinosaurs. The preserved dinosaurs include two Camarasaurus, a currently unidentified diplodocoid, and two Allosaurus. The remains of the three sauropod specimens and one of the Allosaurus are complete enough that identificaiton to a species level is possible, and is the current focus of the project.

The unique location of the site- 50 miles from the nearest known dinosaur bearing outcrops- and somewhat low temporal position of the site in the formation make any possible identifcation relevant to ongoing discussions of biostratigraphy and biogeography of the Morrsion Formation.

Additionally, I am pursuing work in the Maastrichtian-Paleocene Ferris Formation, and understudied end Cretaceous formation with robust dinosaur and mammal diversity.