Virtual Informal Systems Seminar VISS - [CIM-GERAD]

Centre for Intelligent Machines (CIM) and Groupe d'Etudes et de Recherche en Analyse des Decisions (GERAD). Virtual event. March 2023 

invited talk (click here)

Latin American Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics LACIAM 2023

Fundação Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. February 2023 

invited talk

19th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications

University of Porto, Porto, Portugal. July 2022 

contributed talk

Theory and numerics of Mean Field Games and Hamilton-Jacobi equations

Sapienza - Roma Tre, Rome, Italy. June 2022 

invited talk

Stochastic Numerics and Statistical Learning: Theory and Applications Workshop

King Abdullah University, Saudi Arabia. May 2022 

contributed poster

CCMA Seminar on Mathematics of Data and Computation

Pennsylvania State University, Virtual event. April 2022 

invited talk

SITE Research Center Seminar

New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE. September 2022

invited talk (click here)