Professional Highlights
Dr. Julene S. Reed
National/International Level Experiences
Professor of Impact Award, Arizona State University, 2023.
Kognity Education Board Member (2022 to present)
GLOW Conference and Actionable Innovations Global Advisory Board
Advisory Councils of Dr. Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots and Polar Bears International
Apple Distinguished Educator (2001 to present)
Google for Education Certified Trainer and Innovator
Microsoft Innovative Education Expert and Certified Trainer
Next Gen STEM Curriculum Development
Former Director of Polar Bears International’s Tundra Connections program
Research and Digital Creation for Education Technology and Professional Learning, Program 11 (2020 to 2022)
Microsoft Learn Content Authoring (2020 to 2022)
Distance Remote and Blended Learning Strategizing and District EdTech Initiatives for Texas CAN Academies' Leadership (2020 to 2022)
Challenge Institutes, Digital Promise (2018 to present)
Instructional Design for Digital Promise and Verizon Innovative Learning (2019 to 2020)
Adjunct Professor at Lamar University in the Digital Learning & Leading graduate program (2018 to present)
Co-Instructor at Arizona State University's Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College (2020 to present)
Grade Course Development and Adjunct Professor at Abilene Christian University—Dallas
Curriculum, Instructional Coaching, and Support for Apple Coding Initiative Professional Learning and Student Camps (2019)
Research for Digital Promise: Personal Learning Platforms for Student Learning (2018)
Research for Digital Promise: Corporate Education Engagement Programs (2018)
Independent Consulting, Professional Development, and Keynote Presentations internationally (2000 to present)
Consultant and Researcher for Digital Promise, CUE, EdTech Team, Educational Collaborators, Laurie Carey Consulting, and the Institute for Educational Development (ongoing)
Learning Studios implemented internationally in collaboration with Digital Promise and Educational Collaborators, including Australia and New Zealand (2016–2017)
Learning Studio Implementations in the Azraq Refugee Camp and Souriyat Across Borders facility in Amman, Jordan in conjunction with InZone (University of Geneva), Digital Promise, HP, Care, and UNESCO (September, 2017)
Dissertation research on professional development for mobile learning initiatives in Malawi schools, including schools participating in the UNICEF Unlocking the Talent iPad program — Dissertation Title: Integration of Mobile Learning in Malawi: Teacher Perceptions of Preparation Training and Leadership Support (March, 2018)
Facilitated Mobile Learning Demonstration Sessions, Co–presented Mobile Learning sessions, Co–led Strategy Session, UNESCO and INEE Mobile Learning Week, Paris, France (March, 2017)
Coordinator of Malawi UNICEF “Child Friendly Schools” grant initiative in conjunction with Lamar University, the University of Malawi, and Voluntary Services Overseas (2016 to 2018)
Keynote Speaker, HP “Rock On” conference (November, 2016)
Contributing author to "The Learning Transformation: A Guide to Blended Learning for Administrators”
Authored iTunes U channel for Polar Bears International
Advisory Board for Apple Distinguished Educators (two years)
Past member of the Leadership Council of Discovery Education
Google Earth Education Expert (2013 to present)
NMC Academy participant with Polar Bears International, creating online professional development related to STEMx and environmental sustainability
Instructional Design Consultant for ISTE, HP Catalyst Academy, and NMC Academy
Academic Consultant for AppoLearning and Crescerance MAD–Learn
Discovery Education Keynote Speaker for SciCon and Siemens STEM Academies
Designed and published online curricula for Apple education, Dr. Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots, and Polar Bears International
Created and published Google Expeditions for polar bears, Churchill, Canada, and related Arctic content
Collaborations with the Google Maps, Google Earth, Street View, and Google education teams on projects related to the Arctic with Polar Bears International
International professional engagements including travel to Canada, Bahrain, Jamaica, Tanzania, Australia, New Zealand, and several European countries
ISTE Affiliate member
ISTE webcast provider and CILC webinar provider
Contributing author to Google Education Science Fair
Training and instruction provider for both digital media projects and the utilization of
iPads and other mobile media devices
Developer of interdisciplinary technology integration programs that focus on global education, 21st-century skills, common core standards, blended learning, mobile technologies, SAMR, challenge-based learning, mobile technology tools, electronic textbooks, the creation of ePub documents, and web 2.0 technologies
Designer of online educational technology curricula and published educational technology journal articles
Content developer and professional development leader of workshops for education organizations and corporations
Author of Apple education and iTunesU content including a collection focused on global education
Challenge Based Learning curriculum author for Apple Education and New Media Consortium
Environmental education and ACOT2 curriculum author for Apple Education
Presenter of keynote presentations, webinars, and workshops internationally
EdTechTeam Professional Development Team Member
CUE Lead Learner workshop presenter, consultant, and content developer for Google and iPad workshops
Education Collaborators’ Senior Collaborator, consulting and training
Content developer and workshop presenter for technology integration division of
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt consultant
Past board member of the following local, regional, and state education technology boards: TETA and TAIS
Past president of the following technology organizations: WTETA and MAIS-TEC
Steering Committee member of TAIS Technology Institute for six years (to present)
Director of TETA Summer Institute Conference for one year
Co-Director of the iSummit conference with The Coalition of Lighthouse Schools for seven years
Director of Strategic Initiatives, Coalition of Lighthouse Schools for seven years
Director of Special Olympics Tennis for Memphis Area for fifteen years
Board Member of Tennessee Distance Learning Association for one year
CILC and Vanderbilt Virtual School webcast provider
Extensive international travel experiences including work with Apple Education, Dr. Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots, and Polar Bears International
ConnectEd Grant Reviewer
School/Campus Level
Designed, implemented and evaluated ongoing quality professional development for K-12 administrators and teachers
Developed and managed 1:1 computing/laptop program for grades six through twelve and a mobile learning iPad initiative at St. George’s Independent School
Conducted training and implementation of Apple software products and integration in the grades K–12
Designed the infrastructure and technology for a new middle school/high school campus in collaboration with architects and contractors
Facilitated and led distance learning, blended learning, and videoconferencing programs
Implemented and facilitated global education programs
Implemented and facilitated environmental programs
Implemented Google Apps for Education for three campuses
Administrative team leadership and related responsibilities
Management responsibilities (including staffing, budgeting, etc.)
Award–winning varsity tennis coach
Professional Development and Consulting Experience
Provided long–term consulting with several public schools and independent schools in multiple states
Conducted technology audits and strategic planning engagements focused on technology nationally
Provided professional development and coaching for school districts, school sites, and independent schools nationally
Delivered keynote addresses nationally for public and private conferences
Organized and implemented conferences nationally
Organized, hosted, delivered, and implemented international delivery of educational broadcasts
Conducted online courses for educators internationally (some of which I designed)
Provided professional support, training, and guidance to educational leaders, including superintendents, principals, Heads of Schools, and technology specialists