Economist and Public Finance Specialist

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About me

Welcome to Jule Kaini TINTA's website!

I'm currently a PhD student in development economics at CERDI (Centre d’Étude et de Recherche en Développement International) in France. Also, I'm a lead researcher at ICTD (International Centre for Tax and Development) where I work on digital financial services and tax compliance in Burkina Faso.

Working on issues of digital financial services and tax revenue mobilization in developing countries.

I am passionate about research, economics, private and public finance. Indeed, I am interested in how digital financial services in the wake of the digital boom can accelerate government modernization for better revenue mobilization to facilitate development financing. In this, I am interested in development economics specifically on financing for sustainable development questions while applying quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques to make economic policy decisions. 

My research interests include several disciplines: