The land and water between New Orleans and Houston, commonly referred to as the Energy Coast, literally seems to float as a kind of terra infirma that is liquid and fluidly unstable; a watery mirage drawn by human intervention and land use that persists long after the storm. The land and water uniquely mirror each other, both in human folly as well as human achievement. It has been equally devastated by hurricanes, flooding, loss of wetlands and rise of the oceans, and the ever-present reality of disastrous oil spills that devastates animals, ecosystems and humanity equally.

The exceptionally long-lived Tropical Cyclone Freddy in the South Indian Ocean was responsible for 75% of the global ACE in February. Freddy formed on February 6 near Indonesia and remains active as of the writing of this report on March 11. Hurricane/Typhoon John (1994) is the current record holder for the longest lived tropical cyclone at 31 days. It has already been 33 days since Freddy formed. However, Freddy weakened to a tropical depression for seven days when it was over Mozambique. Hurricane/Typhoon Ioke (2006) is the current record holder for ACE from a single storm with about 85  104 kt2. Freddy has currently produced about 83  104 kt2 and may approach Ioke's record. For reference, NOAA's definition of a near-normal Atlantic Hurricane Season has 73-126  104 kt2.

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Tropical Cyclone Freddy crossed the entire South Indian Ocean including moving nearly due west between 14S and 16S for seven days. The storm also experienced a record six episodes of rapid intensification (30 kt in 24 hours) and became the first Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind scale category 5 storm of 2023. Freddy passed near La Runion and Mauritius, but its primary impacts were heavy flooding over Madagascar and Mozambique.

No tropical cyclones were active in the Northern Hemisphere during February, which is typical. Freddy formed near Australia and then crossed 90E into the South Indian Ocean basin. As a result, both basins had one of their top three Februaries on record in terms of ACE. The South Indian Ocean had three tropical cyclones, including Freddy, which was above average. The Australian region had two tropical cyclones, including Freddy, which was also above average. The Southwest Pacific had two named storms including one tropical cyclone, which was near average. However, the ACE was below average. All three Southern Hemisphere basins are near-average in terms of named storms, tropical cyclones, and major tropical cyclones for July 2022-February 2023. However, the Southwest Pacific is below average for ACE, while the other two basins are above average.

Values for the current year are provisional values from the operational forecast advisories. IBTrACS obtains these from NCEP's TC Vitals, the NCAR Tropical Cyclone Guidance Project, and NHC provisional data. These values are subject to change during the post-season best track analysis. They also only include 6-hourly storm fixes, which means they may miss special advisories at landfall, peak intensity, etc.

The tropical cyclone seasons in the Southern Hemisphere begin in July and end in June, while the Northern Hemisphere seasons are counted from January to December. Storms are counted in all basins, months, and years in which they occur, which means some storms may appear more than once. However, the global totals only include each storm one time.

On the morning of 2 March (local time) the centre of tropical cyclone JUDY was about 245km south-east of Tanna and 150km south-east of Aneityum. JUDY's destructive winds uprooted trees and some people were evacuated. Damage assessments are ongoing in Port Vila and Vanuatu's northern islands while another storm is forecast to be on its way. Media reports, as of 2 March, around 500 evacuated people in some evacuation centres across the Capital City Port Vila and a number of damaged buildings, closed schools and several power outages across the country. There are no reports of deaths or serious injuries in Port Vila caused by cyclone JUDY, however, the islands of Erramango and Tanna were expected to be hit hard. Heavy rainfall, thunderstorms and floods were still expected over the northern islands. Some NGOs are coordinating with the government and prepositioning Non Food Items for shelter and cooking materials. In addition, tropical depression 09F (cyclone KEVIN) is forming in the Pacific. The storm is expected to move south-east bringing gale force winds to Vanuatu on 2 March and later to New Caledonia. The Fiji Meteorological Service issued a gale warning. (ECHO, 2 Mar 2023)

The couple moved into the Talisheek house so quickly after the storm and that there has never been time to put down the floors, and they do not yet use the upstairs, so space is tight. It's neatly stacked up. Interior doorways are covered with curtains. Where the roof was repaired, the shingles are a different color, although the roofer told them it would eventually match as it ages.

Her letters recounted her storm experiences, losses and injuries in stark terms. The family lost its cars, business and home; her husband set her broken legs as best he could while they were stranded for two days.

So, it was more wind than flooding. If you go back to 2004, Ivan was the last major impact we had, which actually hit just a little bit east of here. But it's been a while since we have had a major storm really impact the city.

This has been a very slow-moving storm. Early in the press conference, I was saying we have, truly, thousands of first responding personnel from the sheriff's department, police departments, National Guard, Coast Guard.

 Another Storm Is Coming  Judy Natal   The land and water between New Orleans and Houston, commonly referred to as the Energy Coast, literally seems to float as a kind of terra infirma that is liquid and fluidly unstable; a watery mirage drawn by human intervention and land use that persists long after the storm. The land and water uniquely mirror each other, both in human folly as well as human achievement. It has been equally devastated by hurricanes, flooding, loss of wetlands and sea level rise, and the ever-present reality of disastrous oil spills that devastate animals, ecosystems and humanity equally.

The cover photograph depicts the Galveston seawall built after the Great 1900 Hurricane that smashed directly into Galveston, Texas. This storm was the deadliest hurricane in the U.S. which left between 6,000 to 12,000 fatalities and leveled the town. African American men were forcibly recruited at gunpoint to load the dead onto barges and burn the bodies. The song that commemorates this event, "Wasn't that a Mighty Storm," began as a spiritual in the Black church by Sin-Killer Griffin, and was first recorded in 1934 at Darrington Prison in Sandy Point, Texas. Natal used the many iterations of this spiritual as the soundtrack for her video Another Storm is Coming: Storm Redux which consists of oral histories of individuals who lived through the recurring cycles of hurricanes along the Gulf Coast that include Hurricane Audrey (1957) up to present day Hurricanes Rita [End Page 127] (2005), Katrina (2005), and Ike (2008). Natal pays homage to the Galveston seawall, using the camera's exquisite photographic eye to draw attention to the age of the wall and its poor condition.

The title phrase "Another Storm is Coming" comes from a piece of graffiti that Natal stumbled upon at the start of her project at the abandoned amusement park that was blown to shreds by Hurricane Katrina on the edge of Lake Pontchartrain in New Orleans. Instantly recognizing the prophecy, the poetry and the truth the phrase held, Natal used this as a fitting title for her project. With each cycle of hurricane that hits the Gulf Coast, Natal relives the stories she recorded of repetitive cycles of loss and devastation, and is haunted by the tragic stories of the resilient people she met whose lives are drastically redrawn again and again to this day. The Gulf Coast waters continue to dramatically warm due to the climate crisis. There will be another storm. [End Page 128]

The fast-moving storms brought up to an inch of rain to some in the region, but were most notable for their high winds. Countless trees lost limbs or were toppled, especially in the northern parts of the region.

Plan review includes all interior plumbing, building sewer and water service connections within the property lines and storm water drainage systems. A few of the items we review include adequate pipe sizing, proper pipe connections, approved pipe material, fixture specifications and backflow prevention devices. Our agency must give you complete plan approval before installation of any portion of your plumbing system may begin.

Inspections and permits: For plumbing inspections (water and sewer utilities, water softeners, interior plumbing or storm drainage systems) start an inspection permit online here. Online permits will continue to be issued. Paper permit applications are processed every Tuesday. Inspections continue during normal hours by contacting your regional plumbing inspector.

For questions about plumbing plan applications, plan review and permits, email,, or leave a voicemail at 651-284-5063. Voicemails left before 2:30 p.m. will be returned the same day.

Jackson storm began 2017 well, he almost led the entire Florida 500, the opening race for the 2017 season only to be beaten by Cruz at the last moment. Danny Swervez led 2 laps in the Florida 500. The rest of 2017 and the 2018 season were bad seasons for him, because he only won 3 races in those years and because Cruz Ramirez won more races than him.

National Preparedness month is observed every September as a public service reminder of the importance of personal and community preparedness for all events; it coincides with the peak of the hurricane season in the United States. Severe storms and hurricanes can have long-lasting effects at all community levels. Persons who are prepared and well-informed are often better able to protect themselves and others (1). Major hurricanes can devastate low-lying coastal areas and cause injury and loss of life from storm surge, flooding, and high winds (2). State and local government entities play a significant role in preparing communities for hurricanes and by evacuating coastal communities before landfall to reduce loss of life from flooding, wind, and power outages (3). Laws can further improve planning and outreach for catastrophic events by ensuring explicit statutory authority over evacuations of communities at risk (4). State evacuation laws vary widely and might not adequately address information and communication flows to reach populations living in disaster-prone areas who are at risk. To understand the range of evacuation laws in coastal communities that historically have been affected by hurricanes, a systematic policy scan of the existing laws supporting hurricane evacuation in eight southern coastal states (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Texas) was conducted. After conducting a thematic analysis, this report found that all eight states have laws to execute evacuation orders, traffic control (egress/ingress), and evacuation to shelters. However, only four of the states have laws related to community outreach, delivery of public education programs, and public notice requirements. The findings in this report suggest a need for authorities in hurricane-prone states to review how to execute evacuation policies, particularly with respect to community outreach and communication to populations at risk. Implementation of state evacuation laws and policies that support hurricane evacuation management can help affected persons avoid harm and enhance community resiliency (5). Newly emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, such as SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), have and will continue to additionally challenge hurricane evacuations. e24fc04721

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