My research interests are in combinatorics and its connections with fields in algebra and geometry. My undergraduate research experiences are broadly concerned with the combinatorics of Schubert Calculus, and different subsets of algebra, combinatorics, geometry, and probability.
Lightning Talk- the Combinatorics of Schubert Calculus (Sep. 12, 2024 @ UMN Student Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar)
Poster session (Oct. 7, 2024 @ KOI combinatorics lecture)
Undergraduate Research Experience
I am extremely grateful for the awards:
University of Illinois Undergraduate Research Certificate (Oct. 2022)
Dr. Lois M. Lackner Mathematics Scholarship (Mar. 2022)
James Scholar Preble Research Award (Dec. 2022)
LAS Life and Career Scholarship (Aug. 2022)
Shing-Tung Yau High School Mathematics Award, Honorable Award (July 2019)
Illinois Combinatorics Lab for Undergraduate Experience Aug. 2020 -Dec. 2022
Advisors: Prof. Alexander Yong, Prof. Avery St. Dizier University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Advisors: Prof. Alexander Yong, Prof. Avery St. Dizier University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Gelfand-Tsetlin patterns for Schubert polynomials
Studies of Schubert matroids
University of Minnesota Twin Cities Combinatorics & Algebra REU Jun. 2022-Aug. 2022
Advisors: Prof. Gregg Musiker, Prof. Vic Reiner, Dr. Sarah Brauner University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Advisors: Prof. Gregg Musiker, Prof. Vic Reiner, Dr. Sarah Brauner University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Minimal Matchings of dP3 Cluster Variables
A q-analog of Shuffling Operators
Advisors: Dr. Sarah Brauner, Ms. Patty Commins
Paper at ArXiv (Jul. 2024)
Bender-Knuth Moves on Linear Extension of Posets
Advisors: Prof. Vic Reiner, Dr. Anh Hoang
Published at Discrete Math (Sept. 2023)
Summer Geometry Institute Jul. 2021- Jan. 2022
Advisor: Prof. Justin Solomon, Dr. Paul Zhang Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Advisor: Prof. Justin Solomon, Dr. Paul Zhang Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Awarded the Best Technical Paper award at the 2022 SIAM International Meshing Roundtable
Illinois Geometry Lab Sep. 2020- Jun. 2022
Advisor: Prof. AJ Hildebrand University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Advisor: Prof. AJ Hildebrand University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Subsums of Random Numbers
Attended multiple poster/talk sessions including 2022 JMM.

A q-analog of Random-to-Random Shuffling (2023 JMM)

Bender-Knuth Moves on Linear Extension of Posets (2023 JMM)

Subsums of Random Numbers (2022 JMM)