
Published: in journals

Household’s stressors and well-being during the global COVID-19 pandemic.  With Ana Balsa, Alejandro Cid, Paula Patrone and Martina Lorenzo. Forthcoming in Journal of Family Issues.

Crianza Positiva: combining group workshops and individual messages to strengthen parenting competences. With Ana Balsa, Esteban Gómez, María del Luján González, Alejandro Cid and Rosario Valdés. Published in Child & Youth Care Forum, 2023, 1-22.

Using Behavioral Insights in Early Childhood Interventions: the Effects of Crianza Positiva E-messaging Program on Parental Investment. With Ana Balsa and Alejandro Cid. Published in Review of Economics of the Household, 2022, 1-36.

The effect of Crianza Positiva e-messaging program on adult-child language interactions. With Ana Balsa, Florencia López Boo, Alejandrina Cristia, Alejandro Cid, María de la Paz Ferro, Rosario Valdés and María del Luján González. Published in Behavioural Public Policy, 2021, 1-37.  

Exposures to particulate matter from the eruptions of the Puyehue volcano and birth outcomes in Montevideo, Uruguay. With Ana Balsa and Marcelo Caffera. Published in Environmental health perspectives, 2016, 124(11), 1816-1822.

Published: in books

Bloomfield, J. (2019). Uso de herramientas de economía del comportamiento en intervenciones en primera infancia: Aplicación para el programa Crianza Positiva en Uruguay. Instituto Humanista Cristiano Juan Pablo Terra, Montevideo.

Working Papers

The effect of maternal education on infant health: Evidence from an expansion of preschool facilities

Long-term Impacts on Education of Receiving a Cash Transfer during Early-life. Joint with José María Cabrera.

The Conceptual Replication of Crianza Positiva E-messaging Program during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Too Much or Too Little Information? Joint with Ana Balsa and Alejandro Cid. Discussion paper IDB-DP-00987. Social Protection and Health Division

An Automated Pipeline for Providing Personalized Feedback Based on Audio Samples. Joint with  Loann Peurey, William Havard, Gwendal Virlet, Xuan-Nga Cao, Ana Balsa, Alejandro Cid, Martín Ottavianelli, José Luis Horta, and Alejandrina Cristia.