Talk & Poster Awards

Awards for oral and poster presentation

Young researchers (maximum 5 years after PhD on Sep 2, 2022) and students who present their research as the first author are eligible for the following oral presentation award or poster award by checking the box when applying for the conference participation and presentation.

Oral Presentation Award

In order to improve the quality of oral presentations and to motivate young researchers to present at the conference, the Japanese Society of Limnology will award prizes for excellent oral presentations.

A few outstanding oral presentation will be selected from all applicants. Master's course students and undergraduate students are selected as special entries (Mirai-Kaitaku-Waku). The outstanding oral presentation award will be selected based on the following four criteria.

(1) Originality

Original or new conception.

Original results or new findings are obtained.

(2) Development

The purpose and hypothesis of the research theme are clear.

The research method is appropriate for the purpose/hypothesis.

The results obtained are considered logically and from multiple perspectives.

(3) Presentation

The explanation is clear.

The researcher responds to questions accurately.

(4) Value

The research is expected to be developed in the future.

The research contributes to the development of the field.

Poster Award

A few outstanding posters will be selected from all applicants and a few excellent posters will be selected from student applicants. Presentation will be judged on the following criteria.

(1) Originality and quality of research

(2) Appropriateness of study design and methods, soundness of conclusions

(3) Clarity and informativeness of poster contents including layout/design

Award for elementary, junior high and high school poster session

The Japanese Society of Limnology will award prizes for excellent presentations in the elementary, junior high and high school poster session. The highest award (1 presentation), excellence award (~3 presentations), and research incentive award (a few presentations) will be selected based on the following criteria.

Research structure purpose and hypothesis of the research theme are clear.

The method of study is valid for the purpose and hypothesis.

The results obtained are considered logically, multilaterally, and creatively.

This study examined the previous study and cited the literature appropriately.

Research result

The result of the study has novelty or originality.


The poster is easy to see and shows the necessary information.

The explanation is clear.

At the time of questions & answers, the following points will be judged.

The answer is accurate to the question.

Students are able to work independently.