

[ホーム] [アウトリーチ企画] [学生研究報告会]



会場:日本大学経済学部 本館4階47教室(東京都千代田区)






報告のフォーマット: 報告時間は1グループ(個人)につき10分とします。質疑応答は行わないこととします。

Each group will present for 10 minutes. There will be no Q&A session.

司会 椋寛(学習院大学 経済学部)戸堂康之(早稲田大学 経済学研究科)

14:00-14:05 開会の挨拶(松浦寿幸 慶應義塾大学 産業研究所)



14:05-14:15: (1) Trade in Services〈English presentation〉

  Xiaohua Ni(学習院大学 国際社会学部, 推薦者: 石川城太)

This study investigates the impact of four main factors on services trade flows at the sectoral level: contiguity, common language, regional trade agreements (RTAs), and distance. The analysis uses data from the OECD and an empirical framework that includes Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Poisson Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood (PPML) estimations to examine trade in services of top OECD exporting countries from 2014 to 2018. The analysis covers a number of service sectors. The results show that distance consistently has negative effects across sectors, but contiguity does not seem to promote cross-border services trade. The effects of other factors vary across sectors.

14:15-14:25: (2)  Economy, Immigrants, and Fertility〈English presentation〉

  Harry (Yong Hyeon) Yi(慶應義塾大学 経済学部, 推薦者: 笹原彰)

For the past decade, South Korea has been facing a crisis of fertility. The fertility rate decreased 47.4% from 2000 to 2022. Previous literature suggests that various socioeconomic factors cause this phenomenon. Delayed marriage, income stability, and other economic factors have been proven to affect individuals' decision-making to bear children. In recent years, the South Korean government implemented immigration policies to alleviate this issue. This paper will use empirical methodologies to examine the effects of immigrants on fertility using data across 14 prefectures in South Korea.

14:25-14:35: (3)  Analysis of BRI Impact on Bilateral Trade in Sub-Saharan African Countries〈English presentation〉

  Weiyun Zhang, Musashi Sasaki, Sara Ishikawa, HeeSung Chi, and Regina Chen(慶應義塾大学 経済学部, 推薦者: 清田耕造)

This paper employs the gravity model to further investigate the effects of the Belt Road Initiative (BRI) in the Sub-Saharan African (SSA) region. Regression analysis was performed utilizing the PPML (Poisson Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood) method on 44 Sub-Saharan countries with bilateral trade relations with China, as well as related 188 countries with data from 2013 to 2020. The result shows an overall positive effect of the BRI on the SSA countries’ total bilateral trade. However, it was found that trade creation specifically between SSA countries and China indicated no additional significant effects through bilateral trade. Additionally, the BRI also has no significant additional effects on the trade between Sub-Saharan Africa's BRI members with China, other BRI countries, and other African countries indicating the BRI’s positive effect regardless of participation to the BRI.

14:35-14:45: (4)  貿易と技術変化が日本の労働市場に与える影響

  長谷部貴大(慶應義塾大学 商学部, 推薦者: 遠藤正寛)


14:45-14:55: (5)  信頼度が貿易に与える影響〜タイのケースから〜

  岡田桃果, 太田奈步, 早坂泉, 古山千紗都(中央大学 経済学部, 推薦者: 小森谷徳純)


14:55-15:05: (6)   MICE 観光誘致の戦略

  笠原里沙子, 柴野実智, 山村菜々穂(慶應義塾大学 経済学部, 推薦者: 松浦寿幸)

現在政府が進めている訪日外国人誘致施策の一環として、MICE 観光誘致が注目されている。しかし現在、他国と比較した観光 GDP の低さや付加価値不足からMICE 誘致の観光促進への活用が不足していることが問題視されている。本研究ではその現状を踏まえ、計量経済学分析として 、日本へのインバウンドビジネス目的旅行と観光消費に着目した分析とアジア諸都市の国際会議開催における要因分析を行う。加えて、シンガポールのMICE関連機関へのフィールド調査や、大学教授へのメールでのヒアリング調査を行い、定性的にも分析を行う。これらを踏まえてMICE 誘致成功にあたり、政府や自治体における必要な取り組みや施策を検討していく。 


15:10-15:20: (7)   EU経済のロシアへの依存とそれに対するエネルギーの多角化

  入田秀斗, 北川大暉, 石井大貴, 山内朝日, 有賀陽平, 小出葉介, 小林祐人, 木部浩一郎(神奈川大学 経済学部, 推薦者: 道満治彦)


15:20-15:30: (8)  アメリカ株式市場の存在意義

  朴慶姫, 鈴木萌華, 平川雅春(駒澤大学 経済学部, 推薦者: 小西宏美)


15:30-15:40: (9)   インドは人口ボーナスを活かしきれるのか: 特異な産業構造に悩む新興国インドの経済政策―Can India Take Advantage of Its Demographic Dividend? Economic Policies under Peculiar Industrial Structure 〈English presentation〉

  赤羽愛理, 大鶴玲奈, 川崎莉緋, 後藤美緒, 島田鈴子, 永井満璃菜, 古川莉彩, 渡邊陽菜, 一ノ瀬蒼(聖心女子大学 現代教養学部, 推薦者: 古川純子)


India's population has exceeded 1.4 billion and its GDP jumped to the fifth largest in the world. While developed countries have achieved economic development in accordance with Petty-Clark's law, which states that the industrial structure of a country transitions from primary to secondary and then to tertiary industries, India has an industrial structure in which the tertiary industry has grown significantly without going through an economy dominated by the manufacturing. In order to take advantage of its demographic dividend, it is essential to create jobs in the manufacturing sector. Will India's attempt to become self-reliant in high-technology manufacturing succeed, or will it lead to "growth without employment"? This study calculates the productivity elasticity of employment by industry in India and examines the job creation effects of two major economic policies by the Modi administration (2014-), Make in India and the PLI scheme. The results and their impact on the Indian economy will be discussed. 

※ ♯2(慶應義塾大学笹原彰推薦の報告グループ)は、準備委員会の承認を得た上で、諸事情により報告論文と報告グループ(個人)の差し替えを行いました。


🏆研究奨励賞 実証研究部門🏆

岡田桃果, 太田奈步, 早坂泉, 古山千紗都(中央大学 経済学部, 推薦者: 小森谷徳純)



🏆研究奨励賞 事例研究部門🏆

赤羽愛理, 大鶴玲奈, 川崎莉緋, 後藤美緒, 島田鈴子, 永井満璃菜, 古川莉彩, 渡邊陽菜, 一ノ瀬蒼(聖心女子大学 現代教養学部, 推薦者: 古川純子)

報告題目:「Can India Take Advantage of Its Demographic Dividend? Economic Policies under Peculiar Industrial Structure 



Weiyun Zhang, Musashi Sasaki, Sara Ishikawa, HeeSung Chi, and Regina Chen(慶應義塾大学 経済学部, 推薦者: 清田耕造)

報告題目:「Analysis of BRI Impact on Bilateral Trade in Sub-Saharan African Countries



Harry (Yong Hyeon) Yi(慶應義塾大学 経済学部, 推薦者: 笹原彰)

報告題目:「 Economy, Immigrants, and Fertility

