

Cooperation and order formation in animal societies

11/21(土)15:30-17:30 司会:大薗 博記(鹿児島大学)

Emotion recognition and empathetic behaviors in rodents

Satoshi F. Nakashima (Kagoshima Immaculate Heart University)

中嶋 智史(鹿児島純心女子大学)

Rodents species such as rat and mouse have been used as the “basic” laboratory model animal of human in psychology field for a long time. In the past, most studies have focused on their "individuality" such as sensory motor or learning behavior, but did not focused on their "sociality" except a minority. Recently, however, many collaborative researches with different fields such neuroscience and pharmacology have shown that rodent species might have much kind of social skills more than researchers thought earlier. For instance, some studies showed that rodents possibly could recognize emotional states or intention of other conspecifics and communicate with them by using not only olfactory, but also audio-visual cues. In addition, other studies showed that they could cooperate each other and take helping behaviors to other conspecifics in some situations. In this talk, I overview the recent developments in the studies of social behavior in rodents and discuss remaining issues, especially the lack of a "macro view" in the study field in the sociality in rodents.

Primate social systems: ecological and social constraints

Shiho Fujita (Kagoshima University)

藤田 志歩(鹿児島大学)

There are about 400 primate species in the world. Most of them, including humans, are group-living species. There are inter- and intra-species variation in group size, group organization, cohesiveness, and dispersal patterns. Group organization is classified into five types based on mating systems: solitary (an adult male and an adult female live solitarily except for mating), pair living, one-male-multi-female group, multi-male-one-female group, and multi-male-multi-female group. Sex-biased dispersal patterns determine male- or female-philopatry, which, therefore, relate to the inheritance of a group. Whatever types, primate social groups are characterized by their long-term stable membership, and they frequently interact with each other in various ways. Also, social interaction with the individuals outside a group is seen in group encounters, though mostly they are aggressive. However, the association of groups, i.e. the multi-level society, is observed in several species. In this symposium, I will outline ecological and social constraints that affect primate social systems and show the differences in social interactions among the social systems.

Cooperation in human societies based on dominance and prestige

Hiroki Ozono (Kagoshima University)

大薗 博記(鹿児島大学)

Many studies suggest that cooperation in human societies have been achieved via peer interactions such as reward and punishment. As the group size is larger, however, it is difficult to maintain cooperation only by peer interactions. Instead, centralized punishment system such as police govern large scale societies and cooperation are maintained. In this talk, First, I explain why peer interaction has limitations to achieve large-scale cooperation and why centralized punishment system, which often include social stratification, has superiority. Second, I discuss how social stratification can be formed and maintained. Considerable evidence indicates that social stratification in humans is principally based both on dominance (coercive capacity based on strength and threat) and prestige (persuasive capacity based on skills, abilities, and knowledge). Some researchers argue that non-human animals also form stratification based on dominance, but only humans form stratification based on prestige. After introducing their argument, I would like to discuss how humans (and other animals) form stratification and achieve cooperation.


Takefumi Kikusui (Azabu University)





趣旨渡辺 茂(慶應義塾大学)



○渡辺 茂(慶應義塾大学)・篠塚 一貴(RIKEN)



○高橋 宏司(慶應義塾大学)



○幸田 正典(大阪市立大学)

 昨年、我々はホンソメワケベラの鏡像自己認知を報告した(Plos Biol 2019 Kohda et al.)。その後追試実験を行い、全14個体で成功した。次の課題は、本種がどのように鏡像自己認知をしているかという点である。そこで、ヒトのように自分の顔を認識して行うのか、魚類独自の未知の方法で行っているのかとの対立仮説を立て検証実験を行った。その結果、魚もなんとヒトのように自分の顔を認識して鏡像自己認知をしていたのである。ヒトや社会性哺乳類は顔認識により他者をA, B, C個体などと個別に認識する。この他者認知は実は社会性魚類も同じである。この顔認知に基づいた他者認知と自己認知の能力の「副産物」として、ヒトも魚類も鏡像自己認知ができるのだと考えられる。鏡像自己認知実験の方法は難しいため動物の検証例は未だ少ないが、社会性脊椎動物の多くで顔認知を伴う鏡像自己認知ができると我々は予想している。


○安室 春彦(神戸動植物環境専門学校)



○村山 司(東海大学)



中島 定彦(関西学院大学)


