The Child- Friendly School System

There are many ways in which the community can be drawn into the school, beginning with community involvement in the initial decision making as mandated in Republic Act #9155 which gives the school heads the authority to decide for their schools where the stakeholders are actively involved to make the school a learning place which is conducive and healthy for the learners and eventually increased school performance.


The roles of the school heads and teachers. The school heads are to provide leadership and must initiate the support and involvement of the family and community.  The more willing they are to recruit parents and community members for school tasks, to listen to their views and shared decision making, the more likely the school-family partnerships are to take hold.

Management and administrative support can be provided to carry out school programs through district or local authority budget. The resources can also be taken from the School MOOE when it is lawfully allotted through the basis of local accounting rules and regulations. School managers are instrumental in making sure that the teachers receive the professional development they need to be engaged in family and community involvement.

What is a school?

What makes up a school?

What is Learning Environment?

Who provide the Learning Environment?

When can a school be called a “Child- Friendly School?

What are the five traits of A Child- Friendly School?

What should a Child- Friendly School to achieve?

A Child- Friendly School aims to achieve the seven (7) goals.

How our School Scored?


