1st Hospital Stay

Dad & Mom in the Florida Keys


The long story...

Happy Halloween!

Hospital stay #1-

Just after Halloween, in the middle of the night of Wednesday November 1st, my dad was rushed via ambulance to the Memorial West ER in Pembroke Pines. He had been having back pain and throwing up the previous day. That night he was shivering uncontrollably, with a fever of 104°.

After a bunch of tests and misdiagnoses over the next 5 days of everything from the flu, pneumonia, bladder infection, UTI, a rare Asian waterborne tropical disease from amphibians and fish, etc. it turns out he had a sever infection of his gallbladder. A nuclear imagining test showed that he also had a 4cm mass on his liver. The next day they transferred him to Regional Memorial in Hollywood and went in laparoscopic to remove his gallbladder and the abscess on his liver, but it so happened that the gallbladder was so swollen and infected they had to change the procedure mid-surgery and open him up. Turns out a gallstone had clogged his bile duct causing the gallbladder to swell and leak fluid creating an abscess on his liver. They removed the gallbladder and 1/4 of the solid left lobe of his liver.

He spent the next 5 days in the hospital recovering from surgery and with a therapist to get him walking again. They analyzed the mass and they didn't find it to be a cancerous tumor, but just a solid abscess. The day his drainage tube was taken out he was sent home after 10 days total in the hospital on Friday November 10th. They gave him 2 weeks worth of antibiotics that were supposed to clear up the infection.

Mom & me visiting Dad his 1st day in the hospital. Even while being unnecessarily quarantined for an infectious disease , Dad keeps his sense of humor. Wednesday, November 1st 2017