2nd Update: NYC continued

Dad, mom, & me on our way to NYC to get my dad's test results and see if he qualified for the esophageal cancer immunotherapy clinical trial! Wish us luck

Update 2: NYC MSK continued

January 25, 2017

The take away from yesterday's, Thursday January 25th, MSK doctor's follow up appointment was that chemotherapy is the suggested way to go for now and that the immunotherapy clinical trial is out.

They decided it looks kinda like a neuroendocrine carcinoma, but stains more like a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma which is what they decided it to be in the end.

Immunotherapy is out because of the hospital bug bacterial infection he got from the biopsy of his last visit 2 weeks ago. Unfortunately, a recent study has shown that taking antibiotics within 6 months of immunotherapy reduces the effects by 25%, which isn't deal for the phase 3 clinical trial.

We were so excited for immunotherapy because these types of antibodies work by releasing the brakes on the immune system so it can destroy cancer cells. The immune system responds to the cancer by blocking these pathways with specific antibodies called immune checkpoint inhibitors. Once the immune system is able to find and respond to the cancer, it can stop or slow cancer growth. It seems like the way of the future and has already been approved for different types of cancers. We're pretty bummed that it's not an option she wants to us anymore. Since we're not part of the trial they're no longer planning to pay for my dad's treatment nor subsidize travel and accommodations.

She said that while we could look into immunotherapy in the future, it wouldn't be the best right now. I was going for a Hail Mary Pass and seeking alternatives, but unfortunately she also ruled out endoscopic ablation, radio-frequency ablation, Cryotherapy, hormone therapy, stem cell transplants, Targeted therapy, Photodynamic therapy, Surgery, and Radiation.

Our only option at the moment here is the standard chemotherapy treatment.

My dad is starting to have trouble swallowing solid foods that aren't super soft, so we're meeting with a dietitian tomorrow, Friday Jan 26th.

We're on our way to MD Anderson in Houston on Wednesday for an appointment with the 3rd and hopefully last oncology team. We're hoping they'll have a new/better treatment option.