
LQ production with preferential couplings to third generation fermions at the LHC: Aug 2022 - Jul 2023 (Bogotá, Colombia)

Internship - Universidad de los Andes. Department of Physics. Particle Phenomenology Group.

Supervisors: Andrés Flórez Bustos, Ph.D. and Cristian Rodríguez Cruz, M.Sc.

In this work we explored the current and future sensitivity of LHC experiments to single LQ production (with preferential couplings to third generation fermions), in association with a tau fermion. The analysis was performed using machine learning techniques, resulting in an increased discovery reach at the LHC and allowing us to probe the entirety of the new physics phase space which addresses the B-meson anomalies, for LQ masses up to 2.25 TeV. 

Article: On the sensitivity reach of LQ production with preferential couplings to third generation fermions at the LHC | The European Physical Journal C ( 

At the same time, I helped to build (test, document and create new functions) a framework (python library) for feasibility tests for experimental searches of new particles in the LHC with Feynrules/Madgraph/Delphes. 


Loschmidt Echo Dynamics in Topological Chains: SSH Model: Jun 2021 - Jun 2022 (Bogotá, Colombia)

Bachelor's thesis - Universidad de los Andes. Department of Physics. Condensed Matter Theory Group.

Advisor:  Luis Quiroga Puello, Ph.D.

In this degree project, the main object of study was related to a special class of quantum materials: Topological matter. For the study of this materials there are various theoretical models. During this project, the so-called Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model was taken as the central system of study. The choice of this theoretical model allowed us to study the relationship between two very peculiar phase transitions, the topological phase transitions (TPT) and the dynamic quantum phase transitions (DQPT). Relationship which was analyzed in the framework of the two possible boundary conditions (PBC - Periodic Boundary Conditions and OBC - Open Boundary Conditions) with the aim of defining an bulk-boundary correspondence. 

Dissertation Project: Dinámica del Eco de Loschmidt en cadenas topológicas: Modelo SSH ( 

Plasmonic excitation and Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect: Jun 2021 - Sep 2021 (Bogotá, Colombia)

Internship - Universidad de los Andes. Department of Physics. Superconductivity and Nanodevices Laboratory.

Supervisor: Edgar J. Patiño, Ph.D. 

In this internship project, I developed software with MATLAB that allowed us to simulate plasmonic resonance and magneto-optic Kerr Effect (MOKE) using transference matrix and scattering matrix approaches.