R Stuff

R packages and functions


An R package that provides functions for the calculation of synchrony in tree growth from tree-ring width chronologies. Also, this package can handle other ecological variables that have temporal autocorrelation corrected.

New version of DendroSync (0.1.3) will be available at CRAN and Bitbucket, that included corrected models and plot features. You can take a look at the help document below or download a citable version from Researchgate.

Alday JG; Shestakova TA, Resco de Dios V, Voltas J. (2018) DendroSync: An R package to unravel synchrony patterns in tree-ring networks. Dendrochronologia, 47, 17-22.



R package to calculate community resistance and resilience to disturbances using compositional data across time.

The package is available at Bitbucket.

Nowadays the package is under re-check again to correct some fatal errors and unstability... It will be in use again asap.

Alday JG, Jaunotre R (2017). EcoResil: ecological resilience from community data. Bitbucket repository. Package version 0.1.1