
A handful of personal projects that I created to share with others.

Note 1: Click the project title to view the work in more detail.
Note 2: Below are personal projects, click here for a summary of my professional client work.


A brief slide deck (PDF) articulating my understanding of the Metacrisis—a theory of the pervasive, interrelated, underlying drivers of our intensifying array of 21st century crises and global catastrophic risks. My interpretation and this version of the Metacrisis theory is mostly derived from the work of Daniel Schmachtenberger, the Civilization Research Institute, and associated thinkers.  

2. Coming soon

More knowledge-based projects underway ...


In recent years, I have come across comparable conceptualizations of the widely-distributed shared patterns of thought and the common underlying phenomena that influence how society animates itself. Most of these concepts have been personified—or more aptly, 'god-ified'—as an agent compelling us into uncooperative behaviour. This project is a brief compendium, like a bestiary or Pokedex, for just a handful of these false gods.

2. Coming soon

More creative projects underway ...