Downloadable Papers and Slides


Windsor, Joseph W. 2017. From phonology to syntax — and back again: Hierarchical structure in Irish and Blackfoot. PhD dissertation: University of Calgary. Supervised by Darin Flynn & Elizabeth Ritter. PDF.


Windsor, Joseph W., & Gilaad G. Kaplan. 2019. Evolving epidemiology of IBD. Current Gastroenterology Reports 21: 40. Paper.

Windsor, Joseph W., Stephanie Coward, & Darin Flynn. 2018. Disentangling stress and pitch accent in Munster Irish. In Wm. G. Bennett, Lindsay Hracs, & Dennis Ryan Storoshenko (eds.), Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 35. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. 430-437. Paper.

Windsor, Joseph W. 2018. Blackfoot demonstratives, referentiality, and association with the syntactic spine. In Megan Keough, Natalie Weber, Andrei Anghelescu, Sihwei Chen, Erin Guntly, Khia Johnson, Daniel Reisinger, & Oksana Tkachman (eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Structure and Constituency in Languages of the Americas 21 [UBC Working Papers in Linguistics 46]. Vancouver: UBC Press. 281-295. Paper.

Windsor, Joseph W., & Blake Lewis. 2018. Constituency of demonstratives in Blackfoot: Evidence from the phonology, syntax, and semantics. In Megan Keough, Natalie Weber, Andrei Anghelescu, Sihwei Chen, Erin Guntly, Khia Johnson, Daniel Reisinger, & Oksana Tkachman (eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Structure and Constituency in Languages of the Americas 21 [UBC Working Papers in Linguistics 46]. Vancouver: UBC Press. 296-310. Paper.

Windsor, Joseph W., & Robyn Stewart. 2017. Can unnatural stress patterns be learned: New evidence from Klingon. In Andrew Monti (ed.), Proceedings of the 2017 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association. Paper.

Windsor, Joseph W. 2017. Predicting prosodic structure by morphosyntactic category: A case study of Blackfoot. In Lauren Clemens & Emily Elfner (eds.) Glossa: A Journal of General Lingiustics 2. Special Issue on Prosody and Constituent Structure. 1-17. DOI: Paper.

Windsor, Joseph W. 2016. Contrast, phonological features, and phonetic implementation: Aspiration in Blackfoot. Calgary Working Papers in Linguistics 29. 61-80. Paper.

Windsor, Joseph W. 2016. Prosodic evidence for the syntactic constituency of demonstratives in Irish. In Lindsay Hracs (ed.) Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association. Paper. Slides.

Windsor, Joseph W. 2016. Blackfoot demonstratives, referentiality, and association with the syntactic spine. Unpublished MS: University of Calgary. [Presented at the 21st Workshop on Structure and Constituency in Languages of the Americas, Montreal, QC. April 1, 2016.] Slides. Paper.

Windsor, Joseph W, & Blake Lewis. 2016. Constituency of demonstratives in Blackfoot: Evidence from the phonology, syntax, and semantics. Unpublished MS: University of Calgary [Presented at the 21st Workshop on Structure and Constituency in Languages of the Americas, Montreal, QC. April 2, 2016.] Slides. Paper.

Windsor, Joseph W. 2014. The distribution of Irish locatives (seo, sin, siúd)f: DP, AP, or other? Calgary Working Papers in Linguistics 28. 97-116. Paper.

Windsor, Joseph W. 2011. On the boundaries of Irish prosodic words. Calgary Working Papers in Linguistics 27. 1-14. Paper.

Book Chapters

Carroll, Susanne E., & Joseph W. Windsor. 2015. Segmental targets versus lexical interference: Production of second-language targets on first exposure with minimal training. In Hagen Peukert (ed.), Transfer effects in multilingual language development. Hamburg studies on linguistic diversity. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 53-86. Publisher link.

Book Reviews

Windsor, Joseph W. 2016. Review of: Giuliana Giusti. 2015. Nominal syntax at the interfaces: A comparative analysis of languages with articles. November 14. Review.

Windsor, Joseph W. 2015. Review of: Martina Wiltschko. 2014. The universal structure of categories: Towards a formal typology. October 30. Review.

Windsor, Joseph W. 2014. Review of: Ian Roberts. 2010. Agreement and head movement: Clitics, incorporation, and defective goals. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 59. 287-291.

Windsor, Joseph W. 2013. Review of: Brian Nolan. 2012. The structure of Modern Irish: A functional account. Studies in Language 37. 892-900.

Windsor, Joseph W. 2013. Review of: Ana Łubowicz. 2012. The phonology of Contrast. January 8. Review.

Windsor, Joseph W. 2011. Review of: Andrew Carnie (ed.). 2011. Formal approaches to Celtic linguistics. December 3. Review.

Windsor, Joseph W. 2011. Review of: B. Elan Dresher. 2009. The contrastive hierarchy in phonology. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 56. 432-435

Select presentation slides/handouts

Windsor, Joseph W. 2019. What's [theory] got to do, got to do with it? Presented at the 8th Language Creation Conference, Anglia Ruskin University. June 22. Slides.

Windsor, Joseph W. 2017. Theory selection and conlang generation. Presented at the 7th Language Creation Conference, University of Calgary. July 23. Slides.

Windsor, Joseph W., Stephanie Coward, & Darin Flynn. 2016. Irish stress: Disentangling prosodic words and phrases. Presented at the Alberta Conference on Linguistics, University of Calgary. October 29. Slides.

Windsor, Joseph W. 2016. Prosodic evidence for the syntactic constituency of demonstratives in Irish. Presented at the Canadian Linguistic Association annual conference, University of Calgary. May 29. Slides.

Windsor, Joseph W. 2016. Irish stress: Disentangling prosodic words and phrases. Presented at the Celtic Linguistics Conference 9, School of Welsh, Cardiff University, Wales. September 2. Slides.

Windsor, Joseph W. 2016. The prosodic and syntactic constituency of demonstratives in Blackfoot. Département de Linguistique, Université de Genève: Geneva, Switzerland. September 9. Handout.

Windsor, Joseph W. 2016. Blackfoot demonstratives, referentiality, and association with the syntactic spine. Presented at the 21st Workshop on Structure and Constituency in Languages of the Americas, Montreal, QC. April 1, 2016. Slides.

Windsor, Joseph W, & Blake Lewis. 2016. Constituency of demonstratives in Blackfoot: Evidence from the phonology, syntax, and semantics. Presented at the 21st Workshop on Structure and Constituency in Languages of the Americas, Montreal, QC. April 2, 2016. Slides.