443 In-Shape

This semester I was blessed to be able to work with Professor Swinford in our 443 internship program. I was fortunate enough to be paired with Professor Freidman, who has been eager and fun to work with the entire time. From the start, its been a great learning experience working with someone who has no athletic background and hammering in the fundamentals of what I would consider staple movement patterns. His progress has already been outstanding, and I cannot wait to see the difference in his before and after numbers.


Beginning the second semester at Marian University, I started working with Lift-Lab. They are an Olympic weightlifting gym in Indianapolis, and also include group fitness and personal training classes. I would like to credit almost all of my knowledge as a strength and conditioning coach to my time at Lift-Lab, and being with them completely changed my life. After a semester of interning for them, they hired me for the summer as a fitness coach. The experience I gained during the 8 months I worked there will help me tremendously for the rest of my life.


My time spent at P410 was the most eye-opening of my career in my opinion. I got paired with a young man named Trae who had autism, and trained him for the entire summer over zoom. Being able to step out of my comfort zone and experience what it is like to train someone with a physical or mental disability. Trae was an amazing client to work with and we did a lot of good work increasing his strength and endurance during that summer. It was very fulfilling to see someone fall in love with moving and exercising, and I have IUPUI to thank for that.

Get in touch at: Jbooks@marian.edu