Hi, I'm Joey, an Exercise Science Major from IUPUI

About Me:

I grew up in a town up in the Northeast corner of Indiana called Fort Wayne. I spent all my afternoons playing whatever sport was in season and all my weekends hiking, hunting, or fishing. I always loved being active, so whether it was playing soccer in my yard, or hunting rabbits with my dad, being outside and moving made me happy. My parents never pushed me to play a specific sport, but as I got older it seemed like football would be a good way to help pay for my education as well as stay around the sport I loved. Making Defensive MVP of my football team my junior and senior year, it seemed to become a very likely possibility. Faced with the decision of going to the U.S. Naval Academy or to Marian University to play football on scholarship, my passions really set in. I signed the letter of intent to play football and cemented the fact that sports are going to be a part of my life forever. 4 years later I am now at IUPUI and coaching full time at Marian. Even though my journey only took me to IUPUI because I had to be going to a different school to be a full-time coach, I am extremely happy of all the great people I have crossed paths with at this school. Graduating in summer of 2021, I am excited to see how many people’s lives I can impact with the knowledge I have learned at my two universities.


One of my biggest mentors was Coach Tyree. He took a young sophomore in high school who had no idea what he was doing and turned him into a college football player and a confident young man. Having someone that believes in you, supports you, and is tough on you can really change your life. One of the main reasons I wanted to stay in this profession is the hope that I can change someone’s life as much as he changed mine.

Get in touch at: Jbooks@marian.edu