Library of the Arshakuni House. Undated photo from The Georgia Photo Philes.

J O S E F   R O T T E R   |   R E S O U R C E S

Each of the included links provides a close to complete access to Rotter's contribution to some album, book, or magazine.

Armenian Myths and Legends in arm_enikendskij's LiveJournal

Hasker digital collection of the National Library of Armenia (NLA)

Eshmakis matrakhi, and its avatars Matrakhi, Matrakhi da salamuri, Salamuri, Chevni salamuri, and Eshmakis salamuri digital collections of the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia (NPLG)

Kaukasische Post digital collection of the NPLG

Khatabala digital collection of the NLA

Molla Nasreddin digital collection of the National Library of Azerbaijan

Nakaduli digital collection of the NPLG

Nishaduri digital collection of the NPLG

Rostam and Sohrab's 1908 Azeri translation at the Internet Archive

Shuamavali digital collection of the NPLG

Tsnobis furtseli: Suratebiani damateba digital collection of the NPLG

July 21, 2024.