
16/01/2023 - 14:00 Rodrigo Gondim - Hessians and Lefschetz properties

                                15:00  Thiago Dias - Waring problems and Lefschetz properties

                                16:00 Café

                                16:30 Discussão de problemas

17/01/2023 - 14:00 Bárbara Costa - Quadratic Artinianization of Stanley-Reisner Algebras and its idealizations

                                15:00 Charles Almeida - Lefschetz Properties and osculating defectiveness of algebraic varieties

                                16:00 Café

                                16:30 Discussão de problemas

18/01/2023 - 14:00 Aline Andrade - Gaps in the number of generators of monomial Togliatti Systems

                                15:00 Lênin Bezerra - Minimal Hilbert Functions of Gorestein Algebras

                                16:00 Café

                                16:30 Discussão de problemas