
Geological mapping carried out during the study for the Pelequén Artisans.  


August 2022 - Zoning of flooding hazard for the Pelequén Artisans Association 

Project title: Zonificación de areas inundables asociadas a crecidas pluviales del estero Rigolemu en el sector de Angostura de Pelequén, Región de O'Higgins, Chile 

Colaborators: Francisca Vergara-Pinto, PhD (c)

Effects of debris flows on vegetation after the 2021 hail-rainfall event in Malloa. 

Interviews to inhabitants exposed to the eruptions of Tungurahua volcano in 2014

November-December 2020: Evaluation of the implementation of the early action plan for volcanic ash dispersion of the Ecuadorian Red Cross.

Original project title: Evaluación de la implementación del plan de acción temprana por dispersión de ceniza volcánica de la Cruz Roja Ecuatoriana.

In collaboration with: Liliana Troncoso, MSc. 

February-April 2014: Interviewer and organizer of social questionaries’ data for the Straining Resilience in Volcanic Areas (STREVA) Project at Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador).

In collaboration with: Liliana Troncoso, MSc.