Amat, F., Arenas, A., Falcó-Gimeno, A., Muñoz, J. (2025) Pandemics meet democracy: The footprint of COVID-19 on democratic attitudes. Conditionally accepted at Political Science Research and Methods.
Falcó-Gimeno, A., Muñoz, J. & Pannico, R. (2025). Voters rally around the incumbent in the aftermath ofterrorist attacks: Evidence from multiple unexpected events during surveys. Conditionally accepted at Political Science Research and Methods.
Boix, C., Magyar, Z., & Muñoz, J. (2024). Turnout, Family, and Gender Norms: The Political Incorporation of Women in Sweden (1921-1960). Conditionally accepted at World Politics. Available at SSRN 4700454.
Falcó-Gimeno, A., Muñoz, J., & Pannico, R. (2023). Double-edged bullets: The conditional effect of terrorism on vote for the incumbent. British Journal of Political Science, 53(1), 183-203.
Breitenstein, S., Anduiza, E., & Muñoz, J. (2022). Do they really care? Social desirability bias in attitudes towards corruption. Research & Politics, 9(4).
Liñeira, R., Muñoz, J., & Rico, G. (2021). Inferring party positions across issue dimensions. Party Politics, 27(5), 1031-1043.
Amat, F., Boix, C., Muñoz, J., & Rodon, T. (2020). From political mobilization to electoral participation: Turnout in Barcelona in the 1930s. The Journal of Politics, 82(4), 1559-1575.
Muñoz, J., Falcó-Gimeno, A., & Hernández, E. (2020). Unexpected event during survey design: Promise and pitfalls for causal inference. Political Analysis, 28(2), 186-206.
Muñoz, J., & Anduiza, E. (2019). ‘If a fight starts, watch the crowd’: The effect of violence on popular support for social movements. Journal of Peace Research, 56(4), 485-498.
Muñoz, J., & Pardos-Prado, S. (2019). Immigration and support for social policy: An experimental comparison of universal and means-tested programs. Political Science Research and Methods, 7(4), 717-735.
Falcó-Gimeno, A., & Munoz, J. (2017). Show me your friends: A survey experiment on the effect of coalition signals. the Journal of Politics, 79(4), 1454-1459.
Muñoz, J., Anduiza, E., & Gallego, A. (2016). Why do voters forgive corrupt mayors? Implicit exchange, credibility of information and clean alternatives. Local Government Studies, 42(4), 598-615.
Muñoz, J., & Tormos, R. (2015). Economic expectations and support for secession in Catalonia: between causality and rationalization. European Political Science Review, 7(2), 315-341.
Pardos-Prado, S., Galais, C., & Muñoz, J. (2014). The dark side of proportionality: Conditional effects of proportional features on turnout. Electoral Studies, 35, 253-264.
Anduiza, E., Gallego, A., & Muñoz, J. (2013). Turning a blind eye: Experimental evidence of partisan bias in attitudes toward corruption. Comparative Political Studies, 46(12), 1664-1692.
Muñoz, J., & Guinjoan, M. (2013). Accounting for internal variation in nationalist mobilization: unofficial referendums for independence in Catalonia (2009–11). Nations and nationalism, 19(1), 44-67.
Muñoz, J., Torcal, M., & Bonet, E. (2011). Institutional trust and multilevel government in the European Union: Congruence or compensation?. European Union Politics, 12(4), 551-574.
Pallarés, F., Muñoz, J., & López, L. (2010). State-level Politics and Regional Electoral Competition: First-and Second-order Effects in Spain's Autonomous Elections in 2007. Regional and Federal Studies, 20(4-5), 561-575.
Muñoz, J. (2014). From National-Catholicism to Democratic Patriotism? Democratization and reconstruction of national pride: the case of Spain (1981–2000). In Nationalism and National Identities (pp. 30-53). Routledge.
Pallares, F., & Muñoz, J. (2008). The autonomous elections of 1 November 2006 in Catalonia. Regional and federal studies, 18(4), 449-464.
Pallarés, F., Lago, I., & Muñoz, J. (2006). The Galician autonomous elections 2005: the end of the conservative hegemony. Regional and Federal Studies, 16(4), 481-494.
Pallarés, F., Muñoz, J., & Retortillo, A. (2006). Depolarization in the 2005 autonomous elections in the Basque Country: Towards a new scenario for peace?. Regional & Federal Studies, 16(4), 465-479.
Work In Progress
Muñoz, J. Ardiaca J. and Tormos, R - Improving the Catalan Citizen Panel through Randomized experiments and Adaptive Survey Design - Presented at EPSA 2024 (slides here)
Falcó-Gimeno, A., Vall-Prat, P. & Muñoz, J., Authoritarian power sharing and democratization: The case of the transition mayors in Spain - Presented at EPSA 2024
Falcó-Gimeno, A., Muñoz, J., & Pannico, R. - Voters rally around the incumbent in the aftermath of terrorist attacks: Evidence from multiple unexpected events during surveys (R&R)
Amat, F., Arenas, A., Falcó-Gimeno, A., & Muñoz, J. - Pandemics meet democracy. Experimental evidence from the COVID-19 crisis in Spain. SocArXiv papers, 6, 1-31. (Under review)
Muñoz, J., Falcó-Gimeno, A., Guinjoan, M., Rodon, T. Amat, F. The Loser’s Consent in Polarized Times: Experimental Evidence (Under review)
Book: La construcción política de la identidad española: ¿del nacionalcatolicismo al patriotismo democrático? (CIS, 2012)
Projects (as PI)
Global threats and democratic response: from COVID-19 to climate change, Agencia Estatal de Investigación PID2020-120228RB-I00 (51.667€)
From political to affective polarization? Experimental evidence on the origins and implications of political polarization. Institut Català d’Investigacions per la Pau (ICIP) - RICIP-017-2020 (10.000€)
The Democratic Dilemmas of the COVID-19 crisis, Observatori Social de la Caixa (3600 + 30.000€)
”Salut, democràcia i llibertat. Els dilemes ètico-polítics de la pandèmia”, Fundació Grífols, 2020 (5.000€)
Excellence Network “Experimental Political Science” (POLEXP) CSO2015-71952-REDT (30.000€)
VOTREP Project: Political competition, infrastructure and female voting during the Second Republic (1931-1936): the case of Catalonia - CSO2014-59191-P (Proyectos I+D Excelencia, Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad). (48.800€)