
Ph.D. Students  

María Ángeles de Frutos (In memoriam)

Thesis: An Axiomatic and Strategic Approach to Three Sharing Problems. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (1994).

First employment: Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain.

Last employment: Full Professor at the Department of Economics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain.

Published papers from the thesis:

M.A. de Frutos (1998). "Serial cost sharing under economies to scale," Journal of Economic Theory 79, 245-275.

M.A. de Frutos. (1999). "Coalition manipulations in an estate-sharing problem," Review of Economic Design 4, 255-272.


Dolors Berga (personal website)

Thesis: Maximal Domains and Strategy-proofness in Public Good Economies. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (1997).

First employment: Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, Universitat de Girona, Spain.

Current employment: Associate Professor at the Department of Economics, Universitat de Girona, Spain.

Published papers from the thesis:

D. Berga (1998). "Strategy-proofness and single-plateaued preferences," Mathematical Social Sciences 35, 105-120.

D. Berga and S. Serizawa (2000). "Maximal domain for strategy-proof rules with one public good," Journal of Economic Theory 90, 39-61.


David Cantala (personal website)

Thesis: Voting with Self-exclusion and Restabilization of Senior Level Markets. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2000).

First employment: Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, ITAM, México.

Current employment: Full Professor at the Department of Economics, El Colegio de México, México.

Published papers from the thesis:

D. Cantala (2004). "Choosing a level of public good when agents have an outside option," Social Choice and Welfare 22, 491-514.

D. Cantala (2004). "Re-stabilizing matching markets at senior level," Games and Economic Behavior 48, 1-17.


Marc Vorsatz (personal webpage)

Thesis: Dichotomous Preferences, Truth-telling and Collective Actions. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2005).

First employment: Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, Maastricht University, The Netherlands.

Current employment: Full Professot at the Department of Economics, UNED, Spain.

Published papers from the thesis:

M. Vorsatz. "Approval voting on dichotomous preferences," Social Choice and Welfare 28, 127-141 (2007).

S. Sánchez-Pagés and M. Vorsatz. "An experimental study of truth-telling in a sender-receiver game," Games and Economic Behavior 61, 86-112 (2007).

M. Vorsatz. "Scoring rules on dichotomous preferences," Social Choice and Welfare 31, 151-162 (2008).


Joana Pais (personal webpage)

Thesis: Incentives in Random Matching Markets. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2005).

First employment: Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, ISEG Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal.

Current employment: Full Professor at the Department of Economics, ISEG Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal.

Published papers from the thesis:

J. Pais. "Random matching in the college admissions problem," Economic Theory 35, 99-116 (2008).

J. Pais. "Incentives in decentralized random matching markets," Games and Economic Behavior 64, 632-649 (2008) .

J. Pais and A. Pinter. "School choice and information: an experimental study on matching mechanisms," Games and Economic Behavior 64, 303-328 (2008) .


Helmuts Azacis (personal website)

Thesis: Essays on Implementation and Auctions. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2006).

First employment: Lecturer at the Department of Economics, Cardiff Business School, United Kingdom.

Current employment: Reader at the Department of Economics, Cardiff Business School, United Kingdom.

Published papers from the thesis:

H. Azacis. "Double implementation in a market for indivisible goods with a price constraint," Games and Economic Behavior 62, 140-154 (2008).

H. Azacis and R. Burguet. "Incumbency and entry in license auctions: the Anglo-Dutch auction meets another simple alternative," The International Journal of Industrial Organization 26, 730-745 (2008).


Markus Kinateder (personal website)

Thesis: Strategic Dynamic Interaction and Networks. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2008).

First employment: Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, Universidad de Navarra (Pamplona), Spain.

Current employment: Associate Professor at the Department of Economics, Universidad de Navarra (Pamplona), Spain.

Published papers from the thesis:

M. Kinateder. "Delayed perfect monitoring in repeated games," International Journal of Game Theory 42, 283-294 (2013).


Luca Merlino (personal website)

Thesis: Three Essays in Labor Economics. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2009).

First employment: Postdoctoral Fellow at ECARES, Universitè Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.

Current employment: Associate Professor, ECARES, Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. 

Published papers from the thesis:

L. Merlino. "Discrimination, technology and unemployment," Labour Economics 19, 557-567 (2012).

A. Galeotti and L. Merlino. "Endogenous job contact networks," International Economic Review 55, 1201-1226 (2014).

L. Merlino. "Efficient sorting in frictional labor markets with two-sided heterogeneity," Macroeconomic Dynamics 20, 95-119 (2016).


Gris Ayllón (personal website)

Thesis: Three Essays on Weak Condorcet Winners, Public Bads, and Contrast Campaigns. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2012).

First and current employment: Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM). Campus Ciudad de México.

Published papers from the thesis:

G. Ayllón. "On weak Condorcet winners: existence and uniqueness,"  PERSPECTIVAS: Revista de Análisis de Economía, Comercio y Negocios Internacionales, volume 7 (2013).

G. Ayllón and D. Caramuta. "Single-dipped preferences with strong group srategy-proofness and unanimity," Social Choice and Welfare 47, 245-264 (2016) .


Jesús Sánchez-Ibrahim (personal website)

Thesis: Essays on Political Economy. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.(2020).

First and current employment: Postdoc at Universität Hamburg 



Master Students 


Member of Ph.D. Committees