Research projects

We use computational approaches to study research questions in genomics, with a focus on human epigenomics. Our primary research focuses on understanding the causes and consequences of epigenetic variation in humans. Most projects in the lab are multidisciplinary and combine the analysis of large-scale genomic datasets (e.g. DNA methylation, DNA sequence, human microbiome) with statistical genetic and epigenetic tools. Some of the key research areas are listed below.

Genetic basis of epigenetic variation

One main aim is to identify genetic variants that influence DNA methylation levels and variance. Research questions include exploring shared impacts on methylation and gene expression, cell specific effects, and understanding mechanisms of cis and trans QTL effects. Co-lead of GoDMC consortium.

Epigenome-wide association scans

A major research focus is on epigenome-wide association scans (EWAS). Our work focuses on study design and statistical analysis, EWAS power, meta-analyses, and application to a wide range of phenotypes including healthy ageing traits, metabolic and cardiovascular phenotypes.

Environmental epigenetics in humans

Our main interest in this area is to identify tissue-specific and tissue-shared DNA methylation markers of specific environmental exposures including smoking, alcohol consumption, air-pollution and components of diet.

Methylome imputation methods

We are exploring different approaches to quantification and prediction of DNA methylation profiles in humans, including comparison of DNA methylation profiling methods from different assays, and methods of imputation.

The human gut microbiome

We are interested in characterising gut microbiome variation linked to obesity and metabolic disease.

Genomics of human traits

Our overall aim is to study the genomic signatures of complex traits in human populations through integration of multi-omic datasets, including epigenetic, expression, metabolomic, glycan, microbiome, and other biological data profiles.