
We are a computational genomics group studying the genetic basis of complex traits in human populations. The primary research focus is to understand the causes and consequences of epigenetic variation in humans, and its biomedical significance. Most projects in the lab are multidisciplinary and combine he analysis of large-scale genomic datasets (e.g. DNA methylation, DNA sequence, human microbiome) with statistical genetic and epigenetic tools.

Jordana Bell

I am a Reader in Epigenomics in the Department for Twin Research and Genetic Epidemiology at King's College London. My group uses computational methods to study research questions in genomics, with a focus on human epigenetic variation. Research areas include genetic and environmental basis of epigenetic variation, epigenomic studies of human complex traits and ageing, and the human microbiome.

Recent Publications

GoDMC methylation QTLs

Min, Hemani et al. (2021) identify DNA methylation quantitative trait loci in >30K samples. 

Belly fat & metabolic disease 

Christiansen et al. (2022) reveal genetic and dietary metabolic health drivers using integrative genomics.




£2 million awarded to study bacterial methylation of the human gut microbiome

Our project was successfully evaluated by the European Research Council (ERC) under the ERC 2022 Consolidator Grant call.

Contact jordana{at}kcl.ac.uk for more information