Meet the team

Jonathan Cohen

S&P Birkon was designed by Rabbi Jonathan Cohen, and is dedicated to the memory of his parents David and Miriam Cohen.

Originally from London, Jonathan lives in Israel with his wife Simha. They have five children and twelve grandchildren. 

Jonathan is a graphic designer and information developer, and in parallel with this was sometime Visiting Rabbi of Bevis Marks synagogue in London -the synagogue in which he was married, and the community in which he grew up.

Jonathan has for many years travelled to S&P communities abroad as a high-holiday hazzan, and has created websites on the subject of the unique S&P customs and music.

London Sephardi Minhag

London Sephardi Music

David Fassy

The S&P Birkon Android and iOS apps were developed by David Fassy. 

A software engineer originally from Lyon, France, David has lived in Sharon, Israel for 18 years with his family. He has 5 children and a granddaughter.