2025. 02. 21. Solbi Kim got a Master's Degree! Congratulations, Solbi!
2024. 12. 01. Heejeong Song, Seong Wook Ha joined our lab
2024. 10. 14. Dr. Jinjoo Jung Joined our lab
2024. 08. 30. Soyeon Lee got a Master's Degree! Congratulations, Soyeon!
2024. 03. 01. We are supported by Yuhan Innovation Program (유한 이노베이션 후속 연구 프로그램)
2024. 02. 22. Eunbin Park got a Master's Degree! Congratulations, Eunbin!
2024. 01. 05. Dr. Jagadeesh joined our lab
2023. 11. 29. Hansol Yong, Seon A Lee, Jaewoo Na joined our lab
2023. 10. 01. We are supported by LAMP Program (램프 사업) [언론보도 링크] [강원대 홈페이지 링크]
2023. 09. 04. We are supported by NRF Priority Research Institute Program (중점연구소 사업) [언론보도 링크]
2023. 07. 01. We are supported by LINC 3.0 Program (링크 3.0 산학연협력 선도대학 육성사업)
2023. 04. 01. We are supported by Arontier (산학공동연구 프로그램) [언론보도 링크]
2023. 03. 29. Yu Jin Jo joined our lab
2023. 03. 20. Dr. Junhyeong Yim joined our lab
2023. 03. 01. We are supported by NRF Basic Research Program (중견연구자 지원사업)
2023. 02. 22. Junyoung Park got a Master's Degree! Congratulations, Junyoung!
2022. 12. 02. Siyong Choi, Siyeoun Park, Jaemo Kim joined our lab
2022. 09. 06. Jinyong Lee joined our lab
2022. 07. 01. We are supported by Yuhan Innovation Program (유한 이노베이션 프로그램) [언론보도 링크]
2022. 06. 01. We are supported by NRF Basic Research Program (기본연구자 지원사업)
2022. 02. 22. Woojeong Lim and Jaeseok Lee got Master's Degree! Congratulations, Woojeong Lim and Jaeseok Lee!
2021. 12. 01. Minji Kim, Hyeonseo Lee, Yerim Jeon joined our lab
2021. 08. 31. Hwan Min Hwang got a Master's Degree! Congratulations, Hwan Min!
2021. 04. 21. Hyeon Ji Park joined our lab
2021. 03. 08. Dr. Gopathi Ramu joined our lab
2021. 03. 01. We are supported by Kangwon Institute of Inclusive Technology (KIIT)
2021. 02. 22. Juhee Hahm got a Master's Degree! Congratulations, Juhee!
2020. 12. 18. Solbi Kim, Han Byeol Jung, Ah Hyeon Son joined our lab
2020. 07. 01. We are supported by NRF Basic Research Lab Program (기초연구실 지원사업)
2020. 04. 21. Soyeon Lee joined our lab
2020. 05. 01. We are supported by LG Chemical Young Researcher Program (신임교수 지원사업)
2020. 01. 20. Woojeong Lim, Jaeseok Lee joined our lab
2019. 12. 02. Dr. Muhammad Adil Salman Aslam joined our lab
2019. 11. 28. Jun Seok Lee, Seung Bum Son, Kang Ho Chu and Eunbin Park joined our lab
2019. 06. 01. We are supported by Korea Basic Science Institute(KBSI) National Research Facilities & Equipment Center(NFEC) grant
2019. 03. 29. Myung Jae Han, Junyoung Park, and Donghoon Kim joined our lab
2019. 03. 01. We are supported by NRF Young Researcher Program (신진연구자사업)
2019. 02. 11. Juhee Hahm, Hwan Min Hwang, Sun Woo Um, and Jong Sung Lee joined our lab