Few battlegrounds are as competitive as your inbox. Effective emails are quick to read, with a clear call to action. If an email isn't offering you something, it belongs in the trash.
Pet Weight Loss
Pet Weight Loss
Something to help [PETNAME]’s weight goals.
Let’s get your 🐶 to an ideal weight!
This tool can help your 😺 lose weight
CLEAR THE ShelterS Recap
CLEAR THE ShelterS Recap
Congrats on your new friend! 🐶😻🙌
Lookout, there’s a new [🐶 | 😻 | pet] in town!
Did [OLDPETNAME | your dog | your cat | your pet] just get a new friend?
Did someone just adopt [NEWPETNAME | a new dog | a new cat | a new pet?] 🐶😻🙌