Jonathan Weinberger

Dr Jonathan Weinberger (he/him/his)
Mathematician and theoretical computer scientist.
Currently working as a postdoc in Mathematics at Johns Hopkins University

Krieger 405
Department of Mathematics
Johns Hopkins University
3400 N Charles St
Baltimore, MD 21218

Email: jweinb20 at jhu dot edu

Google scholar, ORCID,, ResearchGate, nLab, GitHub, Math Genealogy

Current and recent events:


Academic employment:

 Research interests



PhD thesis

A Synthetic Perspective on (∞,1)-Category Theory: Fibrational and Semantic Aspects. tuprints, dnb, summary, arXiv:2202.13132, xxi+177 pp

Slides from defense (Dec 9, 2021): pdf


Research talks

Expository talks

Research program memberships

Research visits

Teaching experience

Instructor at Johns Hopkin University

Spring 24

Fall 23

Spring 23

Fall 22

Teaching assistant and organizer at TU Darmstadt

Summer term 21

Winter term 20/21

Summer term 20

Winter term 19/20

Summer term 19

Winter term 18/19

Summer term 18

Winter term 17/18

Summer term 17

Winter term 16/17

Student tutor for problem sessions at TU Darmstadt

Summer term 12

Winter term 11/12

Summer term 11

Workshops organized

Conference & workshop visits