Francistown/Phikwe for MSFS
Review - P.G. Matante and Selebi Phikwe add-ons for MSFS
The scenery options for MSFS in Botswana have slowly been expanding, with some very good payware such as the early Okavango Delta scenery and the more recent Sir Seretse Khama International. Added to these are some very good freeware options, many from Dangerous Banana.
Selebi Phikwe as seen from the rear cockpit of a Tiger Moth.
His latest offerings are two airports that arguably have already seen their busiest days, but they are more than welcome nonetheless.
The first is P. G. Matante International Airport, better known to most as Francistown Airport. Francistown actually had an active airstrip for a brief time in 1920/21, but it was the power of the Witwatersrand Native Labour Association that saw a post-WWII boom in aviation in the former gold-rush town.
WNLA’s airline, that brought miners from all over southern Africa to Francistown before being trained to the mines in Johannesburg, was better known as Wenela. For a period, Francistown was the busiest airport in Africa as DC-3’s and DC-4’s ferried labour in and out of the city. It was also home to Bechunaland/Botswana National Airways - the country’s first airline. Politics and a crash - the worst in Botswana’s history - put an end to both BNA and Wenela respectively, but the airport continued to operate as an important stop on the Air Botswana network.
The airport consisted of a small terminal, while the control tower was situated atop what is still known as the Wenela hangar. In 2011 a new terminal was opened and the airport was named after a local independence era politician, Phillip Matante.
Dangerous Banana’s version replaces the stock scenery with much more accurate building - if not quite scratch built one. The overall impression is very good and a huge improvement.
The only let down is the 'Wenela Hangar' which lacks its distinctive control tower top.
The only complaints I would have are that the very distinctive Wenela hangar is still not accurate - though it is much better than the default offering as it is at least the right general shape. This is a pity as this hangar is the most distinctive building at the airport. The other slight niggle is that the runway lighting appears a little too bright at night.
These minor gripes should not deter anyone from downloading this much needed improvement, but you should be aware of them.
The other airport is Selebi Phikwe. When the BCL mines were operating at full capacity, Selebi Phikwe was home to one of the first air charter companies formed after independence and was also a regular stop for Air Botswana.
The offering here offers a much needed improvement over the stock scenery and adds buildings that feel alive, with much improved choice of buildings and textures. In fact, the only complaint is that this version feels more alive than today’s real version.
Francistown/P. G. Matante International Airport
Cost: Free -
Pros: Vast improvement over stock with building much more true to life. The stadium.
Cons: The Wenela hangar - this is the one building that needed to be right, and it just misses this. The red fire engines - a problem on even payware for Botswana.
Overall: 4/5 - It might not quite reach top payware standards, but it is not far off and adds a lot of realism to Botswana’s second city. Highly recommended.
Selebi Phikwe
Cost: Free -
Pros: Again, massive improvement. This little airport now feels alive and populated
Cons: If you are a perfectionist, then the buildings are not perfect. For instance, the terminal/tower steps are slightly out compared to the original - but this is really nitpicking.
Overall: 5/5 - One of those add-ons that seem very simple but add a lot - a must!