Jolt Cola was a carbonated soft drink produced by The Jolt Company, Inc. (later known as Wet Planet Beverages). The cola drink was created in 1985 by C. J. Rapp as a highly caffeinated beverage.[1] It was targeted towards students and young professionals, stressing its use as a stimulant in a similar manner as energy drinks. Its slogan reads "All the sugar and twice the caffeine!"

Jolt Cola is a beverage originally made by The Jolt Company, Inc., of Rochester, New York. From the outset, Jolt's marketing strategy centered on the caffeine content, billing the drink as a means to promote wakefulness. The initial slogan was "All the sugar and twice the caffeine;" this slogan survived for 24 years.[2] This slogan was changed to "Twice the Caffeine."

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In Australia, ("bottled under the authority of the Jolt Company Inc. by Jolt Corporation Australia Pty Ltd, 1 Barrpowell Rd Welland" South Australia) Jolt is sold in the traditional cola flavor, as well as lime, root beer, cream soda, and orange flavors. It generally comes in 615 ml (20.8 US fl oz) bottles, with 190 mg of caffeine (.mw-parser-output .frac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .frac .num,.mw-parser-output .frac .den{font-size:80%;line-height:0;vertical-align:super}.mw-parser-output .frac .den{vertical-align:sub}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);clip-path:polygon(0px 0px,0px 0px,0px 0px);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}309 mg/L). In 2006 bottle capacities were reduced to 600 ml (20 US fl oz) (in some cases, without vendors being aware of the change). With a caffeine concentration of 47 mg per 100 ml, these bottles contain 282 mg.[10] For many years, Jolt has not been available (for example in capital cities such as Canberra or Brisbane); however the Jolt Cola Australian website has a shopping section and claims to deliver to the door; primarily 330mL bottle volumes in cases of fifteen bottles.

"I tried Jolt protein bars in the flavour Hazelnut Truffle. The protein bars were delicious, and the perfect balance between being nutty and chocolate-y. I am caffeine sensitive, but these bars didn't make me jittery; they gave me the energy boost that I needed to get through the day. I would definitely recommend buying some protein bars from Jolt performance, and I think they would also make a great gift for the athlete or health-conscious person in your life!"

The researchers decided to use caffeine to induce citric acid, another edible material produced by plants, to form a polymer network along with polyethylene glycol (PEG), a biocompatible polymer that has been used in drugs and consumer products such as toothpaste for many decades.

When mixed with citric acid and PEG, and slightly heated, caffeine opens up an oxygen-containing ring in the PEG, allowing it to react with citric acid to form chains that consist of alternating molecules of PEG and citric acid. If drug molecules are present in the mixture, they also become incorporated into the chains.

The resulting gels contain a small amount of caffeine, roughly the same as that found in a cup of tea. In preliminary safety tests, the researchers found no harmful effects in four types of human cells, or in rats.

Two pieces of the new "Jolt" caffeine energy gum are equal to a cup of coffee for U.S. warriors in the battlefield to help sustain a high energy level. This gum is included as part of the prototype "First Strike" rations that provide highly mobile ground troops with total eat-on-the-move capability. Photo by Phil Copeland

"Taking into account that some of the effects that we found were reproduced by caffeine, we could expect other caffeinated drinks to share some of the effects," said lead researcher Maria Pic-Prez, a postdoctoral researcher with Jaume I University in Spain. "However, others were specific for coffee drinking, driven by factors such as the particular smell and taste of the drink, or the psychological expectation associated with consuming that drink."Advertisement

The connectivity of the default mode network decreased both after drinking coffee and after taking caffeine, which indicates that consuming either made people more prepared to move from resting to working on tasks, the researchers said.

The study authors pointed out that it is possible that drinking decaffeinated coffee might also produce these benefits, in which case coffee drinking would be acting as a placebo. The study could not differentiate the effects of the experience alone from the experience combined with the caffeine.

"Moreover, there could be individual differences in the metabolism of caffeine among participants that would be interesting to explore in the future," said co-researcher Dr. Nuno Sousa of the University of Minho in Portugal.

According to the nutrition label on the Jolt site, a 16-ounce serving of the cola packs 190 calories and 50 grams of added sugar. An equivalent serving of Coke has the same calorie count and 52 grams of sugars. That fits the bill for Jolt's "all the sugar" claim. Things go off the rails with Jolt's 160 milligrams of caffeine compared with Coke's 45 milligrams.

Plant defense compounds occur in floral nectar, but their ecological role is not well understood. We provide evidence that plant compounds pharmacologically alter pollinator behavior by enhancing their memory of reward. Honeybees rewarded with caffeine, which occurs naturally in nectar of Coffea and Citrus species, were three times as likely to remember a learned floral scent as were honeybees rewarded with sucrose alone. Caffeine potentiated responses of mushroom body neurons involved in olfactory learning and memory by acting as an adenosine receptor antagonist. Caffeine concentrations in nectar did not exceed the bees' bitter taste threshold, implying that pollinators impose selection for nectar that is pharmacologically active but not repellent. By using a drug to enhance memories of reward, plants secure pollinator fidelity and improve reproductive success.

This figure shows the amounts of caffeine and three different types of sugars in nectar from Coffea and Citrus plants. Knowing the amount of these compounds present in these flowering plant species allows the authors to design the subsequent experiments in a way that accurately reflects how honey bees and plants interact in nature.

In both panels, the colored bars represent the mean values measured for each species. The error bars represent the standard error of the mean, which tells you how the actual caffeine or sugar concentrations measured for each sample are distributed around the calculated mean value.

Panel A shows the amount of caffeine present in a cup of instant coffee, three species of Coffea, and four species of Citrus. Coffea canephora exhibited the highest nectar caffeine concentration at approximately 0.25 mM. Despite the relatively high caffeine concentration of C. canephora, the authors report in the figure legend that the average concentration across all Coffea and all Citrus species was not significantly different.

We hypothesized that caffeine could affect the learning and memory of foraging pollinators. To test this, we trained individual honeybees to associate floral scent with 0.7 M sucrose and seven different concentrations of caffeine and tested their olfactory memory. Using a method for classical conditioning of feeding responses (proboscis extension reflex) (11), we trained bees for six trials with 30 s between each pairing of odor with reward. This intertrial interval approximated the rate of floral visitation exhibited by honeybees foraging from multiple flowers on a single Citrus tree (see methods). The presence of low doses of caffeine in reward had a weak effect on the rate of learning (Fig. 2A), but it had a profound effect on long-term memory. When rewarded with solutions containing nectar levels of caffeine, three times as many bees remembered the conditioned scent 24 hours later and responded as if it predicted reward (Fig. 2B, logistic regression, 72 = 41.9, P < 0.001). Twice as many bees remembered it 72 hours later (Fig. 2C). This improvement in memory performance was not due to a general increase in olfactory sensitivity resulting from caffeine consumption (fig. S2A). Indeed, the effect of caffeine on long-term olfactory memory in bees was greater than that produced by high concentrations of sucrose when the same experimental methods were used (e.g., 2.0 M, fig. S2B).

The authors hypothesized that caffeine present in floral nectar would affect pollinator learning and memory. The figure presents the results of experiments designed to test this hypothesis, in which the authors trained honey bees to associate a specific floral scent with a reward (in this case, sugar) with or without consuming caffeine.

As with the caffeine concentrations presented in Figure 1, panels B and C show the magnitude of the memory response as bars, with the error bars representing the standard error of the mean. Additionally, significance was indicated in panel B by bright red bars. Dark red/brown bars indicate the results were not significantly different from the sucrose-only control group.

The results of this experiments revealed that caffeine activates nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the KCs, making them more likely to fire strongly in response to a sensory stimulus (like, for example, a floral odor). This makes it easier for these cells to help form memories associated with these odors and to learn to associate receiving sugar with that odor.

Panels A and B show one representative sample, but C and D show the mean data across the entire group for three critical time points: when the cells were at rest (before anything was added to them), when caffeine was added, and then when a nicotinic acetylcholine blocker was added. The bars represent standard error of the mean, which tells you how the individual data measured for each sample are distributed around the calculated mean value. An asterisk (*) indicates two measurements are statistically significantly different from each other. ff782bc1db

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