Sea Turtles

This is a sea turtle who are probably the most well known sea creature in the ocean. They have a shell like other turtles but unlike turtles is that they cannot pull their head in their shell. We are going to learn about the Leather back sea turtle, which is the largest the Logger head, and the green sea turtle.


The leather back sea turtle is the largest sea turtle in the world! It can grow up to 7 feet long and weigh 1,500 pounds! They have large hard shells that can even survive a shark bite. They live for about 30 years and are found in the Pacific and Indian oceans. Like all turtles they come back to the same beach to lay their eggs. They eat jellyfish and sea squirts.


This is the Logger head sea turtle the most common sea turtle in the world. It is called the logger head because of it's large head. It eats jellyfish, horseshoe, crabs, and bivalves. They can grow to 3 feet long and weigh 155 to 375 pounds and are found in the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian oceans and the Mediterranean sea.

Green sea turtle

The green sea turtle is called the green sea turtle because it is more greenish then other turtles. They can be 80 to 100 years old and weigh 700 pounds. They eat algae, crustaceans, worms, and sea grass.