
Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Kalandadze, T., Yeung, S., Azevedo, F., Iley, B. J., Phan, J. M., Ramji, A. V., Shaw, J. J., Zaneva, M., Dokovova, M., Hartmann, H., Kapp, S. K., Warrington, K. L., FORRT, & Elsherif, M. M. (in press). Opening up understanding of neurodiversity: A call for applying participatory and open scholarship practices. The Cognitive Psychology Bulletin, 8.

Pownall, M., Azevedo, F., Aldoh, A., Elsherif, M., Vasilev, M., Pennington, C. R., Shaw, J. J., ... & Parsons, S. (2021). Embedding open and reproducible science into teaching: A bank of lesson plans and resources. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology.

Hartley, C., Harrison, N. & Shaw, J. J., (2021) Does Autism Affect Children’s Identification of Ownership and Defence of Ownership Rights?. J Autism Dev Disord 51, 4227–4238., J. J., & Monaghan, P. (2017), Lateralization of sleep spindles relate to false memory generation, Neuropsychologia, 107, 60-67.

Monaghan, P., Shaw, J. J., Ashworth-Lord, A., & Newbury, C. R. (2017). Hemispheric processing of memory is affected by sleep. Brain & Language, 167, 36-43. doi:10.1016/j.bandl.2016.05.003

Shaw, J. J., Urgolites, Z., & Monaghan, P., (under review, Cognition), Effect of sleep on memory for binding different types of visual information. Preprint available at

Shaw, J. J., Urgolites, Z., & Monaghan, P., (to be submitted, Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology), Effect of culture on memory for binding different types of visual information. Preprint available at

Shaw, J. J., & Bisson, M-J., (in prep). The role of sleep in consolidation of mathematical concepts

Shaw., J. J. & Hartley, C (to be submitted, Journal of Autism), Bedtime reading habits in children with Autism

Shaw, J. J., Bower, J., & Newby, S. Social Media Use influences sleep quality in preadolescents (to be submitted, Journal of Adolescence)

Korbmacher, M., Azevedo., F., Pennington, C., Shaw, J. J., Hartmann, H., Murphy, J., O’Mahony, A., Kalandadze, T., … FORRT. (Submitted, Nature Communications Psychology). From replicability crisis to credibility revolution: Ways forward in psychological research

Pownall, M., Azevedo, F., König, L. M., Slack, H. R., Evans, T. R., Shaw, J. J., … F. (to be submitted). The impact of open and reproducible scholarship on students’ scientific literacy, engagement, and attitudes towards science: A review and synthesis of the evidence.

Elsherif, M. M., Middleton, S. L., Phan, J. M., Azevedo, F., Iley, B. J., Grose-Hodge, M., Shaw. J. J., [1]… Dokovova, M. (to be submitted). Bridging Neurodiversity and Open Scholarship: How Shared Values Can Guide Best Practices for Research Integrity, Social Justice, and Principled Education.

Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Kalandadze, T., Yeung, S., Azevedo, F., Iley, B. J., Ramji, A. V., Zaneva, M., Dokovova, M., Hartmann, H., Kapp, S. K., Warrington, K. L., & Shaw, J. J., (to be submitted), Participatory approaches to Big Team Science.

[1] On this paper I am considered a first author. Here we propose a new way of listing authors and have used it for this paper.

Teaching Experience

De Montfort University, May 2019-Present

PSYC3033- Employability Skills and Psychology

Module Coordinator/Lecturer

Deliver 6 lectures on topics related to employability and post-degree job market, including how to apply psychology to the job market, and interview technique. Described as ‘Sector leading’ in recent BPS Accreditation

PSYC2013- Research Methods

Practical Tutor

Taught lab classes on Qualitative and Quantitative research methods. Assigned student projects.

PSYC2092- Cognitive Psychology

Lecturer/Practical Tutor

Lecture on Semantic Memory, Problem Solving, change- and inattention-blindness. Contributed Essay and MCQ to the final exam

Practicals focused on PsychoPy, created materials (assessment, PsychoPy Guide) for use across the module

PSYC2093- Developmental Psychology

Lecturer/Practical Tutor

Previously lectured on developmental disorders

PSYC2091- Biopsychology

Lecturer/Practical Tutor

Lectured on Sleep.

PSYC3160- Psychology and Education

Previously lectured on topics including Theories of Learning, Social & Cultural diversity in schools, Special Education Needs, School refusal, and school bullying

PSYC3000- Dissertation Project

Supervising ~8 students per year. Topics include Sleep & social media in preadolescents, sleep & phishing, bedtime reading habits in children with autism, sleep and problem solving, and mathematics learning in children.

PSYC5602: Mind, Body, and Health


Lectured and delivered seminars on the topic of sleep and stress at postgraduate level

PhD Supervision

Supervisor to a PhD student on the topic Social media in Children

Administrative Roles

Personal tutor (20+ students)

Member of the Faculty Research Ethics Committee (2021-Present)

Undergraduate ethics coordinator

Module Coordinator (PSYC3033)

Year Coordinator: Year 3

Employability Lead: Organisation of student-based employability events (Psychology careers conferences, online external talks, placements)

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity focused staff member


Teaching Fellow in the Department of Psychology

University of Aberdeen, September 2018-May 2019

PS1509- Introductory Psychology: Concepts and Theories

Created and developed 5x lectures on Developmental Psychology


PS2017/2517- Advanced Psychology B: Concepts and Theories

Created materials and led seminars and workshops on the three areas of Cognition and Language, Personality & Social Psychology, and Perception


PS2018/2518- Advanced Psychology B: Methods and Applications

Created materials and led research practicals focused on statistics and research methods


PS3518- Developmental Psychology

Lectured and created materials for Seminars


PS5517- Developmental Psychology (MSc)

Lectured and created materials for Seminars. Seminar material covered Developmental Psychology, study skills, and Open Science practices


PS3015/3522- Methodology B

Lectured on Statistics, worked with lab groups for term-long projects


PS3011: Psychological Assessment, Personality, and Individual Differences.

Lectured on adjustment domain, cognitive domain, and humanistic approaches, and led seminars with small groups (20 students) focused on the forms of assessments used by chartered psychologists.

PS4019 Undergraduate Thesis Supervision

Supervised 4 students for thesis. Topics include Sleep and False Memory generation, Sleep and Eyewitness Testimony, Wakeful Rest and Numerical Cognition, and Wakeful Rest and False memory generation

Public Engagement/Outreach

APS Observer (October 2022)

Our piece in the Association for Psychological Science’s Observer magazine was commissioned as part of their Global Spotlight series. In it, we explain how supporting the messages of both open scholarship and neurodiversity will ensure that the goals of diversity, equity, and inclusion reach across populations and explicitly include neurodivergent people.

Reference: Azevedo, F., Middleton, S. L., Phan, J. M., Kapp, S., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Iley, B., Elsherif, M. M., & Shaw, J. J. (2022). Navigating academia as neurodivergent researchers: Promoting neurodiversity within Open Scholarship. APS Observer, 35.


British Science Festival (September 2022)

Sleepless Scrollers

Presented as part of the British Science Festival, hosted at De Montfort University. Presentation was on social media use in 10 year olds and the impact on their sleep.


I’m A Scientist (June 2021- July 2021)

Part of the Psychology Zone. Interacted with school children aged 10-18 on the topic of psychology/science more generally via their online platform. Voted Scientist of the Zone by the students.


Partnership with Jysk (2019-2020)

Worked as a consultant with Jysk (Retailer) in promoting a public sleep campaign. The campaign aimed to promote sleep hygiene across the general public. Roles include acting as a consultant on promotional material in order to include current research findings, writing blog posts on current research to a general audience, and development of a research project involving measuring sleep activity in the CEO, two junior doctors, and a paralympic athlete.


Online articles

Pre teens lose a night’s sleep a week to social media

The Times, 09/2022


Naps Can Make Our Brains ''Remember'' Things That Never Happened

Yahoo! UK and Ireland (Web), 09/05/2018, Unattributed

A daytime nap enhances FALSE memories in the brain causing you to believe you saw things that you didn't, study finds

Daily Mail


Naps Can Make Our Brains 'Remember' Things That Never Happened


Radio Interviews

Featured on BBC Radio Lancashire’s Morning show to discuss the role of sleep in false memories (November 2017).

Featured on BBC Radio Lancashire’s Afternoon show to discuss the role of sleep in child development (March 2018).

Featured on BBC Radio Leicester Morning show to how sleep changes in adolescence, and how can parents adapt (July 2019).

Featured on BBC Radio Leicester Late Night show discussing detrimental effects of sleep deprivation (September 2019).

Featured on BBC Radio Leicester Late Night show discussing how Lockdown is affecting sleep (July 2020).

Featured on BBC Radio Leicester Late Night show discussing social media and children (August 2022).