
Here are links to my author pages on some databases. [arXiv] [Google Scholar] [MathSciNet]


A Toponogov globalisation result for Lorentzian length spaces (with Tobias Beran, Lewis Napper and Felix Rott). arXiv:2309.12733 [preprint]

Estimating the reach of a manifold via its convexity defect function (with Clément Berenfeld, Marc Hoffmann and Krishnan Shankar), Discrete Comput. Geom. 67 (2022), 403–438. [final] [preprint]

Positively curved Riemannian orbifolds and Alexandrov spaces with circle symmetry in dimension 4 (with Catherine Searle),Doc. Math. 26 (2021), 18891927. [final] [preprint]

OxCOVID19 Database: a multimodal data repository for better understanding the global impact of COVID-19 (with Adam Mahdi, Piotr Blaszczyk, Pawel Dlotko, Dario Salvi, Tak-Shing T. Chan, Davide Gurnari, et al.), Sci. Rep. 11 (2021), 9237. [final] [preprint]

Semi-free actions with manifold orbit spaces (with Martin Kerin and Krishnan Shankar), Doc. Math. 25 (2020), 20852114. [final]  [preprint]

Almost non-negatively curved 4-manifolds with torus symmetry (with Catherine Searle), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 148 (2020), 4933–4950. [final] [preprint]

G–actions with close orbit spaces, Transform. Groups 22 (2017), 967–977. [final] [preprint]

Orientation and symmetries of Alexandrov spaces with applications in positive curvature (with Catherine Searle), J. Geom. Anal. 27 (2017), 1636–1666. [final] [preprint]

Equivariant Alexandrov geometry and orbifold finiteness, J. Geom. Anal. 26 (2016), 1925–1945. [final] [preprint]

Convergence of isometries, with semicontinuity of symmetry of Alexandrov spaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 144 (2016), 3507–3515. [final] [preprint]

The arXiv preprints may differ slightly from the final versions, especially in the numbering of results. If you do not have access to the final version, and want to double-check a citation, feel free to get in touch.


Volume-collapsed manifolds in Riemannian geometry and geometric inference. UKRI (MR/W01176X/1) as Future Leaders Fellow. July 2022–June 2026. £1 030 872.

A multimodal COVID-19 database for research. UKRI (EP/W012294/1) as Co-Investigator. August 2021–January 2023. £243 196.

The Curvature of Data. Daphne Jackson Fellowship. The Daphne Jackson Trust with sponsorship from Swansea University and the EPSRC. August 2019–January 2022. £60 991.

Presentation materials

A video of a talk I gave at Durham on estimating the reach of a submanifold. [Video]

Seminar at the DataShape group, 2021, on estimating the reach of a submanifold. [Slides]

AMS Brown (notionally), 2021. [Slides]

Southeast Geometry Seminar, Georgia Tech, 2014. [Slides] [Handout]

AMS Knoxville, 2014. [Slides] [Handout]