Curriculum Vitae

Download my full CV as a pdf file here, read the short version below, or find my papers on the Research page.

Employment and Education

Jul 2022–: Lecturer in Mathematical Sciences at Cardiff University

Dec 2021–Jun 2022: Senior Research Officer at Swansea University

Aug 2019–Jan 2022: Daphne Jackson Fellow at Swansea University

Jan 2019–Jul 2019: Tutor at Swansea University

2016–2018: Career break due to parental responsibilities – declined positions at Regensburg and Maynooth.

2014–2016: Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Münster.

2008–2014: PhD student at the University of Notre Dame with Karsten Grove.

2007-2008: Part III of the Mathematical Tripos, Cambridge University.

External funding

Volume-collapsed manifolds in Riemannian geometry and geometric inference. UKRI (MR/W01176X/1) as Future Leaders Fellow. July 2022–June 2026. £1 030 872.

A multimodal COVID-19 database for research. UKRI (EP/W012294/1) as Co-Investigator. August 2021–January 2023. £243 196.

The Curvature of Data. Daphne Jackson Fellowship. The Daphne Jackson Trust with sponsorship from Swansea University and the EPSRC. August 2019–January 2022. £60 991.

Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship (2016, value €91 890, declined).

Selected presentations


DataShape Seminar, INRIA / Université Paris-Saclay.

Irish Geometry Seminar, NUI Galway / Maynooth University, Ireland.

Geometry/Topology Seminar at University of Oregon.

AMS Eastern Sectional Meeting, Special Session on Recent Developments in Differential Geometry, at Brown University.


Dioscuri Centre in TDA, Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences

TDA Seminar at University of Oxford

Geometry & Topology Seminar at Durham University


Workshop on Curvature and Global Shape at University of Münster.

Departmental Colloquium at Wichita State University.

2018 and earlier

Karcher Colloquium at the University of Oklahoma.

Analysis Seminar, Bristol University.

Workshop on Curvature and Global Shape at University of Münster.

Mathematics & Statistics Colloquium at Maynooth University.

Southeast Geometry Seminar XXIV, Georgia Tech.

Geometry & Topology Seminar at University of Toronto.


Mathematical Skills for Data Scientists, Swansea University

Fundamental Geometry, Swansea University

Numerical Methods (with Matlab), Swansea University

Finite Mathematics, University of Notre Dame.

Elements of Calculus I, University of Notre Dame.

Teaching Assistant for Calculus B and Calculus II and III at the University of Notre Dame.


Organising committee chair for Reflections on Global Riemannian Geometry (in honour of Karsten Grove's 70th birthday), University of Tennessee, 2016.

Organising committee chair for the Graduate Student Topology and Geometry Conference, University of Notre Dame, 2013.

Member of the Athena SWAN Self-Assessment Team, Cardiff School of Mathematics.


A Toponogov globalisation result for Lorentzian length spaces (with Tobias Beran, Lewis Napper and Felix Rott). arXiv:2309.12733 [preprint]

Estimating the reach of a manifold via its convexity defect function (with Clément Berenfeld, Marc Hoffmann and Krishnan Shankar), Discrete Comput. Geom. 67 (2022), 403–438. [final] [preprint]

Positively curved Riemannian orbifolds and Alexandrov spaces with circle symmetry in dimension 4 (with Catherine Searle),Doc. Math. 26 (2021), 18891927. [final] [preprint]

OxCOVID19 Database: a multimodal data repository for better understanding the global impact of COVID-19 (with Adam Mahdi, Piotr Blaszczyk, Pawel Dlotko, Dario Salvi, Tak-Shing T. Chan, Davide Gurnari, et al.), Sci. Rep. 11 (2021), 9237. [final] [preprint]

Semi-free actions with manifold orbit spaces (with Martin Kerin and Krishnan Shankar), Doc. Math. 25 (2020), 20852114. [final]  [preprint]

Almost non-negatively curved 4-manifolds with torus symmetry (with Catherine Searle), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 148 (2020), 4933–4950. [final] [preprint]

G–actions with close orbit spaces, Transform. Groups 22 (2017), 967–977. [final] [preprint]

Orientation and symmetries of Alexandrov spaces with applications in positive curvature (with Catherine Searle), J. Geom. Anal. 27 (2017), 1636–1666. [final] [preprint]

Equivariant Alexandrov geometry and orbifold finiteness, J. Geom. Anal. 26 (2016), 1925–1945. [final] [preprint]

Convergence of isometries, with semicontinuity of symmetry of Alexandrov spaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 144 (2016), 3507–3515. [final] [preprint]