I am a research mathematician with interests in geometry and topology, and in how these subjects can be applied in topological data analysis. You can find links to my papers here.

I am a Lecturer in Mathematical Sciences at Cardiff University where I am lucky enough to have the support of a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship. If you are considering applying to this programme as a mathematician, I would more than happy to meet with you.

Previously, I was a Senior Research Officer at Swansea University, responsible for managing our collaboration with Oxford on the OxCovid19 project. Prior to this, I held a Daphne Jackson Fellowship, which was funded by the Daphne Jackson Trust with support from Swansea University and EPSRC.

I completed my PhD in 2014 with Prof. Karsten Grove at the University of Notre Dame. I then joined the Differential Geometry group at the University of Münster, and spent two years there. 

Most of my work is in the area of Alexandrov geometry, the study of inner metric spaces with a lower curvature bound. I am interested in this subject both for its own intrinsic beauty and for the light it can cast on Riemannian geometry. I also study symmetry in a wide variety of settings – general topological spaces, metric spaces, Alexandrov spaces and Riemannian manifolds. I have also starting visiting the subject next door: Lorentzian length spaces.

I am applying my geometric expertise to topological data analysis, taking on questions of geometric inference. In particular, I am studying the construction of estimators for geometric invariants of submanifolds of Euclidean space. You can see a paper on estimating the reach on my research page.

Get in touch with me by email at john dot harvey dot math at gmail dot com.
