John Hall  

Yorkshire Party Candidate Wetherby and Easingwold

Don't Let the London parties take Wetherby and Easingwold 

(and Boroughbridge,Tadcaster) for Granted 


They have been doing that for too long. 


I am John Hall, the Yorkshire Party candidate for the Wetherby & Easingwold constituency General Election 2024. 

Whoever wins this election will face significant challenges, primarily because Yorkshire has been underfunded for generations. 

In 2023, public spending per person was £14,500 in London and Scotland, according to HM Treasury figures. In Yorkshire, it was only £11,900 per person—a shortfall of over £14 billion across Yorkshire in just one year. 

To rectify this imbalance and improve the quality of life for the people of Yorkshire, we advocate for new powers and a strong voice for our region. A regional Yorkshire Parliament, with powers and guaranteed funding similar to those in Wales and Scotland, will make Yorkshire an equal partner in a stronger and fairer UK. 


We need to do something other than constantly electing a Tory or Labour government who have failed us. 

What does the Yorkshire Party stand for?

 Its what it says on the tin – it’s a party for the people of Yorkshire. Yorkshire has a total population of over 5.3 million people, larger than the population of Scotland. (According to recent census data published by the Office for National Statistics).

Yorkshire also has a bigger population than many other countries, such as Norway, New Zealand, Uruguay and the Republic of Ireland. BUT we have NO real powers and NO say in how funding is allocated.

We believe in building a better Yorkshire for all those who chose to live, learn and work in our county. Instead of sticking to old ideology and boring soundbites like the established London-centric parties we base our policies on forward thinking and pragmatic decision-making to develop a stronger & fairer Yorkshire. Our policies are decided by membership vote and have grown over time as our party has developed since its foundation in 2014.

Time after time London has decided what’s best for Yorkshire – and got it wrong. This has to change. People in Yorkshire themselves must set their own priorities and determine how their money is best spent. In short, the Yorkshire Party’s vision is one of subsidiarity – where powers are exercised as close to the people as possible.

We believe that the historic county of Yorkshire, with its own distinct identity, economic output and culture should be able to determine her own future in the form of a Regional Parliament. We believe that the people of Yorkshire should have more say in how their lives are run and that locally elected politicians should be taking the key decisions about Yorkshire’s future not unelected bureaucrats or disinterested ministers in London.It is our view that Yorkshire merits a standalone Regional Parliament, similar to that afforded to Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the city of London. 

John Hall

John is a retired entrepreneur with over 35 years of experience in motor finance and leasing. Now he dedicates his time to giving back and advocating for a better future for the people of Yorkshire. John was born in Middlesbrough and moved to a small village near Thirsk in the late 1980s, where he brought up his family. He's now retired and lives in the constituency near Spofforth. He can trace his 'Hall' family back to the Middle Ages - living in Yorkshire.

My message to the  residents of Wetherby and Easingwold plus not forgetting Boroughbridge, Tadcaster and all the rural communities in our new constituency

My message to the residents of Wetherby and Easingwold plus not forgetting Boroughbridge Tadcaster and all the rural communities in our new constituency. I believe that decisions on how our taxes are spend our best made in the constituency.  I believe that local people should determine their own futures so I want to see more investment in the NHS, I would like to see a moratorium on new house building but house building is needed but the infrastructure has to be installed and developed before the houses are for sale. 

I also believe that the people of Wetherby & Easingwold need a great to say in determining their own future sense as a local resident myself I want to maintain and improve the quality of life we all enjoy in this area. 

Contacts and useful links

If you want to get in touch with John please email

If you want to know more about the Yorkshire Party's plan for Wetherby and Easingwold click here

If you want to know more about the Yorkshire Party follow this link

If you would like to donate to the Yorkshire Party please follow this link

Why not join the Yorkshire Party? Please follow this link below   

Promoted and published by the Yorkshire Party,  35 Shaftesbury Road, Bridlington, Yorkshire, YO15 3PP